Hemraj Saini
Hemraj Saini
Professor, School of Computing, DIT University, Dehradun
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Cited by
A hybrid framework for multimedia data processing in IoT-healthcare using blockchain technology
G Rathee, A Sharma, H Saini, R Kumar, R Iqbal
Multimedia Tools and Applications 79 (15), 9711-9733, 2020
Cyber-crimes and their impacts: A review
H Saini, YS Rao, TC Panda
International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications 2 (2), 202-209, 2012
A recent review on lightweight cryptography in IoT
ER Naru, H Saini, M Sharma
2017 international conference on I-SMAC (IoT in social, mobile, analytics …, 2017
A novel four-tier architecture for delay aware scheduling and load balancing in fog environment
S Sharma, H Saini
Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems 24, 100355, 2019
A secure, energy-and sla-efficient (sese) e-healthcare framework for quickest data transmission using cyber-physical system
A Sharma, G Rathee, R Kumar, H Saini, V Varadarajan, Y Nam, ...
Sensors 19 (9), 2119, 2019
A trust computed framework for IoT devices and fog computing environment
G Rathee, R Sandhu, H Saini, M Sivaram, V Dhasarathan
Wireless Networks 26, 2339-2351, 2020
Fog assisted task allocation and secure deduplication using 2FBO2 and MoWo in cluster-based industrial IoT (IIoT)
S Sharma, H Saini
Computer Communications 152, 187-199, 2020
VM consolidation for cloud data center using median based threshold approach
O Sharma, H Saini
Procedia Computer Science 89, 27-33, 2016
Towards a multimodal system for precision agriculture using IoT and machine learning
S Garg, P Pundir, H Jindal, H Saini, S Garg
2021 12th international conference on computing communication and networking …, 2021
Novel noncommutative cryptography scheme using extra special group
G Kumar, H Saini
Security and communication networks 2017 (1), 9036382, 2017
Various code clone detection techniques and tools: a comprehensive survey
P Gautam, H Saini
Smart Trends in Information Technology and Computer Communications: First …, 2016
Cyber attack classification using game theoretic weighted metrics approach
BK Mishra, H Saini
World Applied Sciences Journal 7, 206-215, 2009
A hybrid cryptographic technique for file storage mechanism over cloud
S Sharma, K Singla, G Rathee, H Saini
First International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Computational …, 2020
Service level agreement assurance in cloud computing: a trust issue
SB Dash, H Saini, TC Panda, A Mishra
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies 5 (3 …, 2014
Big data analytics for crop prediction mode using optimization technique
S Sharma, G Rathee, H Saini
2018 Fifth International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid …, 2018
Novel noncommutative cryptography scheme using extra special group, Security and Communication Networks, Volume 2017, Article ID 9036382, 21 pages
G Kumar, H Saini
Proactive cyber defense and reconfigurable framework for cyber security
H Saini, D Saini
strategies 2, 3, 2007
VAIN: A Stochastic Model for Dynamics of Malicious Objects
DK Saini, H Saini
the ICFAI Journal of Systems Management 6 (1), 14-28, 2008
Mathematical model for cyber attack in computer network
YS Rao, AK Rauta, H Saini, TC Panda
International Journal of Business Data Communications and Networking (IJBDCN …, 2017
Malicious Object dynamics in the presence of Anti Malicious Software
H Saini, DK Saini
European Journal of Scientific Research ISSN, 491-499, 2005
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Articles 1–20