Rami Abousleiman
Cited by
Cited by
Smart Charging: System Design and Implementation for Interaction between Plug-in Electric Vehicles and the Power Grid
R Abousleiman, R Scholer
Transportation Electrification, IEEE Transactions on, 2015
Energy consumption model of an electric vehicle
R Abousleiman, O Rawashdeh
2015 IEEE transportation electrification conference and expo (ITEC), 1-5, 2015
Electric vehicle modelling and energy‐efficient routing using particle swarm optimisation
R Abousleiman, O Rawashdeh
IET Intelligent Transport Systems 10 (2), 65-72, 2016
Energy-efficient routing for electric vehicles using metaheuristic optimization frameworks
R Abousleiman, O Rawashdeh
MELECON 2014-2014 17th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, 298-304, 2014
A Bellman-Ford approach to energy efficient routing of electric vehicles
R Abousleiman, O Rawashdeh
2015 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC), 1-4, 2015
Microraptor: A low-cost autonomous quadrotor system
OA Rawashdeh, HC Yang, RD AbouSleiman, BH Sababha
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and …, 2009
Charge capacity versus charge time in CC-CV and pulse charging of Li-ion batteries
R Abousleiman, A Al-Refai, O Rawashdeh
SAE Technical Paper, 2013
Implementation of an autonomous surveillance quadrotor system
HC Yang, R AbouSleiman, B Sababha, E Gjioni, D Korff, O Rawashdeh
AIAA Infotech@ Aerospace Conference and AIAA Unmanned... Unlimited …, 2009
Tabu search based solution to the electric vehicle energy efficient routing problem
R Abousleiman, O Rawashdeh
2014 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC), 1-6, 2014
Electric vehicles energy efficient routing using ant colony optimization
R Abousleiman, O Rawashdeh, R Boimer
SAE International Journal of Alternative Powertrains 6 (1), 1-14, 2017
Energy efficient routing for electric vehicles using particle swarm optimization
R Abousleiman, O Rawashdeh
SAE Technical Paper, 2014
An application of ant colony optimization to energy efficient routing for electric vehicles
R Abousleiman, O Rawashdeh
SAE Technical Paper, 2013
An experimental survey of Li-ion battery charging methods
A Al-Refai, O Rawashdeh, R Abousleiman
SAE International Journal of Alternative Powertrains 5 (1), 23-29, 2016
Techniques for enhanced battery pack recharging
A Timmons, EN Stamos, TJ Szymkowski, CT Accad, GJ Burlak, ...
US Patent 9,365,120, 2016
A programmable charger for monitoring and control of multi-cell lithium-ion batteries
A Al-Refai, R AbouSleiman, OA Rawashdeh
2012 IEEE National Aerospace and Electronics Conference (NAECON), 68-74, 2012
Optimized hvac system control for electrified vehicles
R Abousleiman, K Bouyoucef
US Patent App. 14/657,242, 2016
North atlantic right whale contact call detection
R Abousleiman, G Qu, O Rawashdeh
arXiv preprint arXiv:1304.7851, 2013
Statistical Algorithm for Attitude Estimation from Real-Time Aerial Video
RD Abousleiman, OA Rawashdeh, MR Siadat
Journal of Aerospace Computing, Information, and Communication 7 (10), 322-337, 2010
Real-time estimation of UAV attitude from aerial fisheye video
R AbouSleiman, B Sababha, HC Yang, N Rawashdeh, O Rawashdeh
AIAA Infotech@ Aerospace Conference and AIAA Unmanned... Unlimited …, 2009
System and method for detecting unintended stimulus at a vehicle pedal
R Abousleiman, F Weslati
US Patent 8,744,671, 2014
The system can't perform the operation now. Try again later.
Articles 1–20