Alex Rettie
Alex Rettie
Associate Professor, University College London
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Cited by
Combined Charge Carrier Transport and Photoelectrochemical Characterization of BiVO4 Single Crystals: Intrinsic Behavior of a Complex Metal Oxide
AJE Rettie, HC Lee, LG Marshall, JF Lin, C Capan, J Lindemuth, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 135 (30), 11389-11396, 2013
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy for all‐solid‐state batteries: theory, methods and future outlook
P Vadhva, J Hu, MJ Johnson, R Stocker, M Braglia, DJL Brett, AJE Rettie
ChemElectroChem 8 (11), 1930-1947, 2021
Unravelling Small-Polaron Transport in Metal Oxide Photoelectrodes
AJE Rettie, WD Chemelewski, D Emin, CB Mullins
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2016
Incorporation of Mo and W into nanostructured BiVO 4 films for efficient photoelectrochemical water oxidation
SP Berglund, AJE Rettie, S Hoang, CB Mullins
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 14 (19), 7065-7075, 2012
Lattice softening significantly reduces thermal conductivity and leads to high thermoelectric efficiency
R Hanus, MT Agne, AJE Rettie, Z Chen, G Tan, DY Chung, MG Kanatzidis, ...
Advanced Materials 31 (21), 1900108, 2019
High Thermoelectric Performance in SnTe–AgSbTe2 Alloys from Lattice Softening, Giant Phonon–Vacancy Scattering, and Valence Band Convergence
G Tan, S Hao, RC Hanus, X Zhang, S Anand, TP Bailey, AJE Rettie, X Su, ...
ACS Energy Letters 3 (3), 705-712, 2018
Synthesis of BiVO 4 nanoflake array films for photoelectrochemical water oxidation
H He, SP Berglund, AJE Rettie, WD Chemelewski, P Xiao, Y Zhang, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2 (24), 9371-9379, 2014
Heat capacity of Mg3Sb2, Mg3Bi2, and their alloys at high temperature
MT Agne, K Imasato, S Anand, K Lee, SK Bux, A Zevalkink, AJE Rettie, ...
Materials Today Physics 6, 83-88, 2018
2021 roadmap on lithium sulfur batteries
JB Robinson, K Xi, RV Kumar, AC Ferrari, H Au, MM Titirici, ...
Journal of Physics: Energy 3 (3), 031501, 2021
Lithium-sulfur battery diagnostics through distribution of relaxation times analysis
R Soni, JB Robinson, PR Shearing, DJL Brett, AJE Rettie, TS Miller
Energy Storage Materials 51, 97-107, 2022
Anisotropic small-polaron hopping in W: BiVO4 single crystals
AJE Rettie, WD Chemelewski, J Lindemuth, JS McCloy, LG Marshall, ...
Applied Physics Letters 106 (2), 2015
Improved Visible Light Harvesting of WO3 by Incorporation of Sulfur or Iodine: A Tale of Two Impurities
AJE Rettie, KC Klavetter, JF Lin, A Dolocan, H Celio, A Ishiekwene, ...
Chemistry of Materials 26 (4), 1670-1677, 2014
n-BiSI thin films: selenium doping and solar cell behavior
NT Hahn, AJE Rettie, SK Beal, RR Fullon, CB Mullins
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116 (47), 24878-24886, 2012
Facile growth of porous Fe 2 V 4 O 13 films for photoelectrochemical water oxidation
D Tang, AJE Rettie, O Mabayoje, BR Wygant, Y Lai, Y Liu, CB Mullins
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 4 (8), 3034-3042, 2016
Pulsed laser deposition of epitaxial and polycrystalline bismuth vanadate thin films
AJE Rettie, S Mozaffari, MD McDaniel, KN Pearson, JG Ekerdt, JT Markert, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118 (46), 26543-26550, 2014
Soft X-ray spectroscopic studies of the electronic structure of M: BiVO 4 (M= Mo, W) single crystals
V Jovic, J Laverock, AJE Rettie, JS Zhou, CB Mullins, VR Singh, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 3 (47), 23743-23753, 2015
Visible-Light-Active NiV2O6 Films for Photoelectrochemical Water Oxidation
HX Dang, AJE Rettie, CB Mullins
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119 (26), 14524-14531, 2015
Ultralow thermal conductivity, multiband electronic structure and high thermoelectric figure of merit in TlCuSe
W Lin, J He, X Su, X Zhang, Y Xia, TP Bailey, CC Stoumpos, G Tan, ...
Advanced Materials 33 (44), 2104908, 2021
Phase transition systematics in by means of high-pressure–high-temperature Raman experiments
J Pellicer-Porres, D Vázquez-Socorro, S López-Moreno, A Munoz, ...
Physical Review B 98 (21), 214109, 2018
Bandgap engineering of Fe 2 O 3 with Cr–application to photoelectrochemical oxidation
WD Chemelewski, O Mabayoje, D Tang, AJE Rettie, CB Mullins
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 (3), 1644-1648, 2016
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Articles 1–20