Emanuele Catalano
Emanuele Catalano
Lombardi Engineering Ltd.
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Yade documentation
V Smilauer, V Angelidakis, E Catalano, R Caulk, B Chareyre, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.00611, 2023
Pore-scale modeling of viscous flow and induced forces in dense sphere packings
B Chareyre, A Cortis, E Catalano, E Barthélemy
Transport in porous media 94, 595-615, 2012
Pore‐scale modeling of fluid‐particles interaction and emerging poromechanical effects
E Catalano, B Chareyre, E Barthélemy
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics …, 2014
Yade reference documentation
V Šmilauer, E Catalano, B Chareyre, S Dorofeenko, J Duriez, A Gladky, ...
Yade Documentation 474 (1), 1-531, 2010
Yade Documentation. The Yade Project, 2010
V Šmilauer, E Catalano, B Chareyre, S Dorofenko, J Duriez, A Gladky, ...
Modeling wave-induced pore pressure and effective stress in a granular seabed
L Scholtès, B Chareyre, H Michallet, E Catalano, D Marzougui
Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics 27, 305-323, 2015
Pore-scale flow simulations: model predictions compared with experiments on bi-dispersed granular assemblies
AT Tong, E Catalano, B Chareyre
Oil & Gas Science and Technology–Revue d’IFP Energies nouvelles 67 (5), 743-752, 2012
Yade documentation 2nd ed. The yade project
V Šmilauer, E Catalano, B Chareyre, S Dorofeenko, J Duriez, N Dyck, ...
Transp. Porous Media, 2015
Yade documentation 2nd ed. the yade project (2015)
V Šmilauer, E Catalano, B Chareyre, S Dorofeenko, J Duriez, A Gladky, ...
DOI10, 0
Investigation of internal erosion processes using a coupled dem-fluid method
H Sari, B Chareyre, E Catalano, P Philippe, E Vincens
PARTICLES II: proceedings of the II International Conference on Particle …, 2011
A pore-scale hydro-mechanical coupled model for geomaterials
E Catalano, B Chareyre, A Cortis, E Barthélémy
PARTICLES II: Proceedings of the II international conference on particle …, 2011
A pore–scale coupled hydromechanical model for biphasic granular media. Application to granular sediment hydrodynamics
E Catalano
PhD thesis, Université de Grenoble, 2012
Yade Documentation (V. Šmilauer, ed.), The Yade Project, 2010
V Šmilauer, E Catalano, B Chareyre, S Dorofeenko, J Duriez, A Gladky, ...
Yade Documentation. The Yade Project
V Smilauer, E Catalano, B Chareyre, S Dorofeenko, J Duriez, A Gladky, ...
Yade documentation 2nd ed
V Smilauer, E Catalano, B Chareyre, S Dorofeenko, J Duriez, N Dyck, ...
Geneva: CERN-Zenodo 10, 2015
Infiltration effects on a partially saturated slope-an application of the discrete element method and its implementation in the open-source software yade
E Catalano
Master thesis at UJF-Grenoble, 2008
Accelerating Yade’s poromechanical coupling with matrix factorization reuse, parallel task management, and GPU computing
RA Caulk, E Catalano, B Chareyre
Computer Physics Communications 248, 106991, 2020
Physical and numerical modelling of sand liquefaction in waves interacting with a vertical wall
H Michallet, E Catalano, C Berni, B Chareyre, V Rameliarison, ...
ICSE-6, ICSE6-274, 679-686, 2012
The Yade Project
V Šmilauer, E Catalano, B Chareyre, S Dorofeenko, J Duriez, A Gladky, ...
Yade Documentation, 2010
Yade Documentation, 1st edn. The Yade Project (2010)
V Šmilauer, E Catalano, B Chareyre, S Dorofeenko, J Duriez, A Gladky, ...
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Articles 1–20