Alessia Pallaoro
Alessia Pallaoro
University of British Columbia and BCCRC
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Cited by
Mesoporous multifunctional upconversion luminescent and magnetic “nanorattle” materials for targeted chemotherapy
F Zhang, GB Braun, A Pallaoro, Y Zhang, Y Shi, D Cui, M Moskovits, ...
Nano letters 12 (1), 61-67, 2012
Laser-Activated Gene Silencing via Gold Nanoshell−siRNA Conjugates
GB Braun, A Pallaoro, G Wu, D Missirlis, JA Zasadzinski, M Tirrell, ...
ACS nano 3 (7), 2007-2015, 2009
A luminescent and biocompatible PhotoCORM
AE Pierri, A Pallaoro, G Wu, PC Ford
Journal of the American Chemical Society 134 (44), 18197-18200, 2012
Rapid identification by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy of cancer cells at low concentrations flowing in a microfluidic channel
A Pallaoro, MR Hoonejani, GB Braun, CD Meinhart, M Moskovits
Acs Nano 9 (4), 4328-4336, 2015
Etchable plasmonic nanoparticle probes to image and quantify cellular internalization
GB Braun, T Friman, HB Pang, A Pallaoro, TH De Mendoza, ...
Nature materials 13 (9), 904-911, 2014
Mapping local pH in live cells using encapsulated fluorescent SERS nanotags
A Pallaoro, GB Braun, NO Reich, M Moskovits
Small 6 (5), 618-622, 2010
Biocompatibility and wettability of crystalline SiC and Si surfaces
C Coletti, MJ Jaroszeski, A Pallaoro, AM Hoff, S Iannotta, SE Saddow
2007 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2007
Controlling the early stages of pentacene growth by supersonic molecular beam deposition
Y Wu, T Toccoli, N Koch, E Iacob, A Pallaoro, P Rudolf, S Iannotta
Physical review letters 98 (7), 076601, 2007
Quantitative ratiometric discrimination between noncancerous and cancerous prostate cells based on neuropilin-1 overexpression
A Pallaoro, GB Braun, M Moskovits
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (40), 16559-16564, 2011
Clotting activity of polyphosphate‐functionalized silica nanoparticles
D Kudela, SA Smith, A May‐Masnou, GB Braun, A Pallaoro, CK Nguyen, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 54 (13), 4018-4022, 2015
Dual-reporter SERS-based biomolecular assay with reduced false-positive signals
TT Chuong, A Pallaoro, CA Chaves, Z Li, J Lee, M Eisenstein, GD Stucky, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (34), 9056-9061, 2017
Modular plasmonic nanocarriers for efficient and targeted delivery of cancer-therapeutic siRNA
X Huang, A Pallaoro, GB Braun, DP Morales, MO Ogunyankin, ...
Nano letters 14 (4), 2046-2051, 2014
Biotags based on surface-enhanced Raman can be as bright as fluorescence tags
A Pallaoro, GB Braun, M Moskovits
Nano letters 15 (10), 6745-6750, 2015
Advances in superresolution optical fluctuation imaging (SOFI)
T Dertinger, A Pallaoro, G Braun, S Ly, TA Laurence, S Weiss
Quarterly reviews of biophysics 46 (2), 210-221, 2013
Light-activated RNA interference in human embryonic stem cells
X Huang, Q Hu, GB Braun, A Pallaoro, DP Morales, J Zasadzinski, ...
Biomaterials 63, 70-79, 2015
Controlling field-effect mobility in pentacene-based transistors by supersonic molecular-beam deposition
T Toccoli, A Pallaoro, N Coppedè, S Iannotta, F De Angelis, L Mariucci, ...
Applied physics letters 88 (13), 2006
Morphological and optical properties of titanyl phthalocyanine films deposited by supersonic molecular beam epitaxy (SuMBE)
K Walzer, T Toccoli, A Pallaoro, R Verucchi, T Fritz, K Leo, A Boschetti, ...
Surface science 573 (3), 346-358, 2004
Polymorphism and phase control in titanyl phthalocyanine thin films grown by supersonic molecular beam deposition
N Coppedè, T Toccoli, A Pallaoro, F Siviero, K Walzer, M Castriota, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 111 (49), 12550-12558, 2007
Targeted intracellular delivery of proteins with spatial and temporal control
DP Morales, GB Braun, A Pallaoro, R Chen, X Huang, JA Zasadzinski, ...
Molecular pharmaceutics 12 (2), 600-609, 2015
Quantitative multiplexed simulated-cell identification by SERS in microfluidic devices
MR Hoonejani, A Pallaoro, GB Braun, M Moskovits, CD Meinhart
Nanoscale 7 (40), 16834-16840, 2015
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Articles 1–20