Ashish K. Singh
Ashish K. Singh
Process Engineer, IASM Japan KK
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Cited by
Effect of Grain Boundary Cross-Section on the Performance of Electrodeposited Cu2O Photocathodes
C Das, AK Singh, Y Heo, G Aggarwal, SK Maurya, J Seidel, B Kavaipatti
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122 (3), 1466-1476, 2018
Intrinsic Acceptor-like Defects and Their Effect on Carrier Transport in Polycrystalline Cu2O Photocathodes
G Aggarwal, SK Maurya, AJ Singh, AK Singh, B Kavaipatti
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123 (43), 26057-26064, 2019
Effect of light on electroless nickel deposition for solar cell applications
AK Singh, VK Bajpai, CS Solanki
Energy Procedia 54, 763-770, 2014
Synthesis of CZTS/Se and Their Solid Solution from Electrodeposited Cu–Sn–Zn Metal Precursor: A Study of S and Se Replacement Reaction
AK Singh, G Aggarwal, RK Singh, TR Klein, C Das, M Neergat, ...
ACS Applied Energy Materials 1 (7), 3351-3358, 2018
Phase evolution during the electrodeposition of Cu–Sn–Zn metal precursor layers and its role on the Cu2S impurity phase formation in Cu2ZnSnS4 thin films
AK Singh, A Shrivastava, M Neergat, KR Balasubramaniam
Solar Energy 155, 627–636, 2017
Silicon surface passivation of industrial n-type CZ Si (111) by Al2O3 layers deposited by thermal ALD process for application in carrier selective contact solar cells
N Dsouza, AK Singh, R Maurya, R Kanakala, R Madaka, N Bandaru, ...
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 34 (14), 1179, 2023
Tunnel recombination junction influence on the a-Si: H/SHJ tandem solar cell
R Madaka, D Kumar, AK Singh, MS Uddin, JK Rath
Materials Today: Proceedings 39, 1970-1973, 2021
Copper Oxide Phase Change During Pulsed Laser Deposition of SrTiO3
G Aggarwal, AK Singh, SK Maurya, KR Balasubramaniam
6th International Conference on Advances in Energy Research, IIT Bombay 1 …, 2020
Charge controlled sequential electrodeposition for synthesis of Cu2ZnSnS4 on Mo-coated glass substrate
AK Singh, R Dubey, M Neergat, KR Balasubramaniam
IEEE 44th Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC), 1704-1706, 2018
Electron Selective La:BaSnO3 Thin Films via Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) : Effect of Deposition Pressure
A Kumar, AK Singh, KR Balasubramaniam
35th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (EUPVSEC …, 2018
Silicon surface passivation of industrial n-type CZ Si (111) by Al2O3 layers deposited by thermal ALD process for application in carrier selective contact solar cells
Enhanced Room Temperature No2 Sensing by Α-Fe2o3 Nanorod Arrays with Atomic Layer Deposited Al2o3 Overlayer
S Dhua, A Singh, S Rani, JK Rath, SC Roy
Available at SSRN 4375507, 0
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