Mohammad Komijani
Mohammad Komijani
PhD Candidate, University of Waterloo
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Nonlinear analysis of microstructure-dependent functionally graded piezoelectric material actuators
M Komijani, JN Reddy, MR Eslami
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 63, 214-227, 2014
Nonlinear thermal stability and vibration of pre/post-buckled temperature-and microstructure-dependent functionally graded beams resting on elastic foundation
M Komijani, SE Esfahani, JN Reddy, YP Liu, MR Eslami
Composite Structures 112, 292-307, 2014
Vibration of thermo-electrically post-buckled rectangular functionally graded piezoelectric beams
M Komijani, Y Kiani, SE Esfahani, MR Eslami
Composite Structures 98, 143-152, 2013
Vibration of a Temperature-Dependent Thermally Pre/Postbuckled FGM Beam Over a Nonlinear Hardening Elastic Foundation
S E Esfahani, Y Kiani, M Komijani, M R Eslami
Journal of Applied Mechanics 81 (1), 011004, 2014
Non-linear thermoelectrical stability analysis of functionally graded piezoelectric material beams
M Komijani, Y Kiani, MR Eslami
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 24 (4), 399-410, 2013
Enriched mixed finite element models for dynamic analysis of continuous and fractured porous media
M Komijani, R Gracie
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 343, 74-99, 2019
Nonlinear stability and vibration of pre/post-buckled microstructure-dependent FGPM actuators
M Komijani, JN Reddy, AJM Ferreira
Meccanica 49, 2729-2745, 2014
An enriched finite element model for wave propagation in fractured media
M Komijani, R Gracie
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 125, 14-23, 2017
A non-local plasticity model of stimulated volume evolution during hydraulic fracturing
E Sarvaramini, MB Dusseault, M Komijani, R Gracie
International Journal of Solids and Structures 159, 111-125, 2019
Simulation of induced acoustic emission in fractured porous media
M Komijani, R Gracie, E Sarvaramini
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 210, 113-131, 2019
Simulation of fracture propagation induced acoustic emission in porous media
M Komijani, R Gracie, Y Yuan
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 229, 106950, 2020
Nonlinear thermo-electro-mechanical dynamic behaviour of FGPM beams
M Komijani, R Gracie
Composite Structures 150, 208-218, 2016
Thermal and mechanical cyclic loading of thick spherical vessels made of transversely isotropic materials
M Komijani, H Mahbadi, MR Eslami
International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 107, 1-11, 2013
An analytical approach for thermal stability analysis of two-layer Timoshenko beams
M Komijani, JN Reddy, MR Eslami, M Bateni
International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics 13 (08), 1350036, 2013
An enriched mixed finite element model for the simulation of microseismic and acoustic emissions in fractured porous media with multi‐phase flow and thermal coupling
M Komijani, P Wriggers, T Goudarzi
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics …, 2023
Hydraulic Fracture Simulation-Coupling Strategies and Pressure Pulsing
R Gracie, M Parchei Esfahani
VI International Conference on Computational Modeling of Fracture and …, 2019
A Gradient-Enhanced Thermo-Poro-Elastoplastic Finite-Element Model for Stimulated Volume Evolution in Porous Media
M Komijani
Journal of Engineering Mechanics 151 (2), 04024118, 2025
An efficient reduced order model for nonlinear transient porous media flow with time-varying injection rates
SH Ardakani, G Zingaro, M Komijani, R Gracie
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 241, 104237, 2024
Dynamic hydraulically driven fracture with xfem
R Gracie, M Esfahani, M Komijani
An efficient reduced order model for nonlinear transient porous media flow with time-varying injection rates
S Hatefi Ardakani, G Zingaro, M Komijani, R Gracie
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Articles 1–20