Saad Mahamood
Cited by
Cited by
From data to text in the neonatal intensive care unit: Using NLG technology for decision support and information management
A Gatt, F Portet, E Reiter, J Hunter, S Mahamood, W Moncur, S Sripada
Ai Communications 22 (3), 153-186, 2009
Twenty years of confusion in human evaluation: NLG needs evaluation sheets and standardised definitions
DM Howcroft, A Belz, M Clinciu, D Gkatzia, SA Hasan, S Mahamood, ...
13th International Conference on Natural Language Generation 2020, 169-182, 2020
The gem benchmark: Natural language generation, its evaluation and metrics
S Gehrmann, T Adewumi, K Aggarwal, PS Ammanamanchi, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.01672, 2021
Method and apparatus for document planning
S Mahamood
US Patent 10,664,558, 2020
Nl-augmenter: A framework for task-sensitive natural language augmentation
KD Dhole, V Gangal, S Gehrmann, A Gupta, Z Li, S Mahamood, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.02721, 2021
Generating Affective Natural Language for Parents of Neonatal Infants
S Mahamood, E Reiter
Proceedings of the 13th European Workshop on Natural Language Generation …, 2011
A snapshot of NLG evaluation practices 2005-2014
D Gkatzia, S Mahamood
Proceedings of the 15th European Workshop on Natural Language Generation …, 2015
Missing information, unresponsive authors, experimental flaws: The impossibility of assessing the reproducibility of previous human evaluations in NLP
A Belz, C Thomson, E Reiter, G Abercrombie, JM Alonso-Moral, M Arvan, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.01633, 2023
Underreporting of errors in NLG output, and what to do about it
E Van Miltenburg, MA Clinciu, O Dušek, D Gkatzia, S Inglis, L Leppänen, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.01182, 2021
Automatic construction of evaluation suites for natural language generation datasets
S Mille, KD Dhole, S Mahamood, L Perez-Beltrachini, V Gangal, M Kale, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.09069, 2021
Fabrice Harel-Canada, Antoine Honore, Ishan Jindal, Przemyslaw K
KD Dhole, V Gangal, S Gehrmann, A Gupta, Z Li, S Mahamood, ...
Joniak, Denis Kleyko, Venelin Kovatchev, and et al, 2021
Gemv2: Multilingual nlg benchmarking in a single line of code
S Gehrmann, A Bhattacharjee, A Mahendiran, A Wang, A Papangelis, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.11249, 2022
Working with clinicians to improve a patient-information NLG system
S Mahamood, E Reiter
INLG 2012 Proceedings of the Seventh International Natural Language …, 2012
Neonatal intensive care information for parents an affective approach
S Mahamood, E Reiter, C Mellish
2008 21st IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems …, 2008
Needle in a haystack: An analysis of high-agreement workers on mturk for summarization
L Zhang, S Mille, Y Hou, D Deutsch, E Clark, Y Liu, S Mahamood, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.10397, 2022
Generating annotated graphs using the NLG pipeline architecture
S Mahamood, W Bradshaw, E Reiter
Proceedings of the 8th International Natural Language Generation Conference …, 2014
Barriers and enabling factors for error analysis in NLG research
E Van Miltenburg, M Clinciu, O Dušek, D Gkatzia, S Inglis, L Leppänen, ...
Northern European Journal of Language Technology 9 (1), 2023
Involving healthcare consumers in knowledge acquisition for virtual healthcare
W Moncur, S Mahamood, E Reiter, Y Freer
2009 AAAI Fall Symposium Series, 2009
On the Role of Summary Content Units in Text Summarization Evaluation
M Nawrath, A Nowak, T Ratz, DC Walenta, J Opitz, LFR Ribeiro, J Sedoc, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.01701, 2024
A comparison of hedged and non-hedged NLG texts
S Mahamood, E Reiter, C Mellish
Proceedings of the Eleventh European Workshop on Natural Language Generation …, 2007
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Articles 1–20