Ioannis Toulopoulos
Cited by
Cited by
Multipatch discontinuous Galerkin isogeometric analysis
U Langer, A Mantzaflaris, SE Moore, I Toulopoulos
Isogeometric Analysis and Applications 2014, 1-32, 2015
Analysis of multipatch discontinuous Galerkin IgA approximations to elliptic boundary value problems
U Langer, I Toulopoulos
Computing and Visualization in Science 17, 217-233, 2015
High-order discontinuous Galerkin discretizations for computational aeroacoustics in complex domains
I Toulopoulos, JA Ekaterinaris
AIAA journal 44 (3), 502-511, 2006
A local discontinuous Galerkin approximation for systems with p-structure
L Diening, D Kröner, M Růžička, I Toulopoulos
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 34 (4), 1447-1488, 2014
Time-multipatch discontinuous Galerkin space-time isogeometric analysis of parabolic evolution problems
C Hofer, U Langer, M Neumüller, I Toulopoulos
Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis 49, 126-150, 2018
Discontinuous Galerkin isogeometric analysis of elliptic diffusion problems on segmentations with gaps
C Hofer, U Langer, I Toulopoulos
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 38 (6), A3430-A3460, 2016
Low-rank space-time decoupled isogeometric analysis for parabolic problems with varying coefficients
A Mantzaflaris, F Scholz, I Toulopoulos
Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics 19 (1), 123-136, 2019
Discontinuous Galerkin isogeometric analysis of elliptic problems on segmentations with non-matching interfaces
C Hofer, I Toulopoulos
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 72 (7), 1811-1827, 2016
Numerical methods for power-law diffusion problems
I Toulopoulos, T Wick
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 39 (3), A681-A710, 2017
Mesh grading in isogeometric analysis
U Langer, A Mantzaflaris, SE Moore, I Toulopoulos
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 70 (7), 1685-1700, 2015
Artificial boundary conditions for the numerical solution of the Euler equations by the discontinuous galerkin method
I Toulopoulos, JA Ekaterinaris
Journal of Computational Physics 230 (15), 5974-5995, 2011
Multipatch space-time isogeometric analysis of parabolic diffusion problems
U Langer, M Neumüller, I Toulopoulos
Large-Scale Scientific Computing: 11th International Conference, LSSC 2017 …, 2018
Local discontinuous Galerkin numerical solutions of non-Newtonian incompressible flows modeled by p-Navier–Stokes equations
D Kröner, M Růžička, I Toulopoulos
Journal of Computational Physics 270, 182-202, 2014
Generalizations of SIP methods to systems with -structure
T Malkmus, M Růžička, S Eckstein, I Toulopoulos
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 38 (3), 1420-1451, 2018
Numerical solutions of systems with (p, δ)‐structure using local discontinuous Galerkin finite element methods
D Kröner, M Růžička, I Toulopoulos
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 76 (11), 855-874, 2014
Space-time finite element methods stabilized using bubble function spaces
I Toulopoulos
Applicable Analysis 99 (7), 1153-1170, 2020
Discontinuous Galerkin isogeometric analysis on non-matching segmentation: error estimates and efficient solvers
C Hofer, U Langer, I Toulopoulos
arXiv preprint arXiv:1610.03634, 2016
Implicit high-order time marching schemes for the linearized Euler equations
G Arabatzis, P Vavilis, I Toulopoulos, JA Ekaterinaris
AIAA journal 45 (8), 1819-1826, 2007
Stabilized space-time finite element methods of parabolic evolution problems
I Toulopoulos
RICAM Report 19, 2017
An interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin finite element method for quasilinear parabolic problems
I Toulopoulos
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 95, 42-50, 2015
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Articles 1–20