Lawrence Hudson
Lawrence Hudson
NIST, National Institute of Standards and Technology
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Photoelectron spectroscopic study of the valence and core-level electronic structure of
LT Hudson, RL Kurtz, SW Robey, D Temple, RL Stockbauer
Physical Review B 47 (3), 1174, 1993
High-resolution 17–75keV backlighters for high energy density experiments
HS Park, BR Maddox, E Giraldez, SP Hatchett, LT Hudson, N Izumi, ...
Physics of Plasmas 15 (7), 2008
Polarization measurements on a magnetic quadrupole line in Ne-like barium
E Takacs, ES Meyer, JD Gillaspy, JR Roberts, CT Chantler, LT Hudson, ...
Physical Review A 54 (2), 1342, 1996
Surface core-level shifts of barium observed in photoemission of vacuum-fractured (100)
LT Hudson, RL Kurtz, SW Robey, D Temple, RL Stockbauer
Physical Review B 47 (16), 10832, 1993
Testing Three-Body Quantum Electrodynamics with Trapped Ions: Evidence for a -dependent Divergence Between Experiment and Calculation
CT Chantler, MN Kinnane, JD Gillaspy, LT Hudson, AT Payne, LF Smale, ...
Physical Review Letters 109 (15), 153001, 2012
Overview of the electron beam ion trap program at NIST
JD Gillaspy, Y Aglitskiy, EW Bell, CM Brown, CT Chantler, RD Deslattes, ...
Physica Scripta 1995 (T59), 392, 1995
Absolute measurement of the resonance lines in heliumlike vanadium on an electron-beam ion trap
CT Chantler, D Paterson, LT Hudson, FG Serpa, JD Gillaspy, E Takács
Physical Review A 62 (4), 042501, 2000
High-precision measurement of the x-ray Cu Kα spectrum
MH Mendenhall, A Henins, LT Hudson, CI Szabo, D Windover, JP Cline
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 50 (11), 115004, 2017
Enhanced x-ray resolving power achieved behind the focal circles of Cauchois spectrometers
JF Seely, LT Hudson, GE Holland, A Henins
Applied optics 47 (15), 2767-2778, 2008
Imaging of ECR plasmas with a pinhole x-ray camera
S Biri, A Valek, T Suta, E Takács, C Szabó, LT Hudson, B Radics, J Imrek, ...
Review of scientific instruments 75 (5), 1420-1422, 2004
Substitution-induced midgap states in the mixed oxides with R=Y, La, and Nd
SW Robey, LT Hudson, C Eylem, B Eichorn
Physical Review B 48 (1), 562, 1993
Development of backlighting sources for a Compton radiography diagnostic of inertial confinement fusion targets
R Tommasini, A MacPhee, D Hey, T Ma, C Chen, N Izumi, W Unites, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 79 (10), 2008
A curved crystal spectrometer for energy calibration and spectral characterization of mammographic x‐ray sources
LT Hudson, RD Deslattes, A Henins, CT Chantler, EG Kessler, ...
Medical Physics 23 (10), 1659-1670, 1996
Role of -Center Diffusion in the Electron-Stimulated Desorption of Metal Atoms from Alkali Halides
GM Loubriel, TA Green, PM Richards, RG Albridge, DW Cherry, RK Cole, ...
Physical review letters 57 (14), 1781, 1986
K-shell spectra from Ag, Sn, Sm, Ta, and Au generated by intense femtosecond laser pulses
JF Seely, GE Holland, LT Hudson, CI Szabo, A Henins, HS Park, PK Patel, ...
High Energy Density Physics 3 (1-2), 263-271, 2007
A reassessment of absolute energies of the x-ray L lines of lanthanide metals
JW Fowler, BK Alpert, DA Bennett, WB Doriese, JD Gard, GC Hilton, ...
Metrologia 54 (4), 494, 2017
A simple method for high-precision calibration of long-range errors in an angle encoder using an electronic nulling autocollimator
MN Kinnane, LT Hudson, A Henins, MH Mendenhall
Metrologia 52 (2), 244, 2015
Absolute measurements of x-ray backlighter sources at energies above 10 keV
BR Maddox, HS Park, BA Remington, C Chen, S Chen, ST Prisbrey, ...
Physics of Plasmas 18 (5), 2011
X-ray modulation transfer functions of photostimulable phosphor image plates and scanners
JF Seely, GE Holland, LT Hudson, A Henins
Applied optics 47 (31), 5753-5761, 2008
Hard X-ray spectroscopy of inner-shell K transitions generated by MeV electron propagation from intense picosecond laser focal spots
JF Seely, CI Szabo, P Audebert, E Brambrink, E Tabakhoff, GE Holland, ...
High Energy Density Physics 5 (4), 263-269, 2009
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Articles 1–20