David Rowenhorst
David Rowenhorst
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Three-dimensional analysis of grain topology and interface curvature in a β-titanium alloy
DJ Rowenhorst, AC Lewis, G Spanos
Acta Materialia 58 (16), 5511-5519, 2010
3D crystallographic and morphological analysis of coarse martensite: Combining EBSD and serial sectioning
DJ Rowenhorst, A Gupta, CR Feng, G Spanos
Scripta Materialia 55 (1), 11-16, 2006
Modeling 3D microstructure and ion transport in porous Li-ion battery electrodes
DE Stephenson, BC Walker, CB Skelton, EP Gorzkowski, DJ Rowenhorst, ...
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 158 (7), A781, 2011
Two-and three-dimensional microstructural characterization of a super-austenitic stainless steel
AC Lewis, JF Bingert, DJ Rowenhorst, A Gupta, AB Geltmacher, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 418 (1-2), 11-18, 2006
Three-dimensional analysis of particle coarsening in high volume fraction solid–liquid mixtures
DJ Rowenhorst, JP Kuang, K Thornton, PW Voorhees
Acta materialia 54 (8), 2027-2039, 2006
Consistent representations of and conversions between 3D rotations
D Rowenhorst, AD Rollett, GS Rohrer, M Groeber, M Jackson, ...
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 23 (8), 083501, 2015
Material flow in friction stir welds
R Fonda, A Reynolds, CR Feng, K Knipling, D Rowenhorst
Metallurgical and materials transactions A 44 (1), 337-344, 2013
Modeling fluid flow in three-dimensional single crystal dendritic structures
J Madison, J Spowart, D Rowenhorst, LK Aagesen, K Thornton, ...
Acta Materialia 58 (8), 2864-2875, 2010
Grain boundary mobilities in polycrystals
J Zhang, W Ludwig, Y Zhang, HHB Sørensen, DJ Rowenhorst, ...
Acta Materialia 191, 211-220, 2020
Combining serial sectioning, EBSD analysis, and image-based finite element modeling
G Spanos, DJ Rowenhorst, AC Lewis, AB Geltmacher
Mrs Bulletin 33 (6), 597-602, 2008
Outcomes and conclusions from the 2018 AM-bench measurements, challenge problems, modeling submissions, and conference
L Levine, B Lane, J Heigel, K Migler, M Stoudt, T Phan, R Ricker, ...
Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation 9, 1-15, 2020
Optimizing the cellular automata finite element model for additive manufacturing to simulate large microstructures
K Teferra, DJ Rowenhorst
Acta materialia 213, 116930, 2021
Estimating the response of polycrystalline materials using sets of weighted statistical volume elements
SM Qidwai, DM Turner, SR Niezgoda, AC Lewis, AB Geltmacher, ...
Acta Materialia 60 (13-14), 5284-5299, 2012
Three-dimensional grain growth in pure iron. Part I. statistics on the grain level
J Zhang, Y Zhang, W Ludwig, D Rowenhorst, PW Voorhees, HF Poulsen
Acta Materialia 156, 76-85, 2018
Characterization of microstructure in additively manufactured 316L using automated serial sectioning
DJ Rowenhorst, L Nguyen, AD Murphy-Leonard, RW Fonda
Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science 24 (3), 100819, 2020
Measurement of interfacial evolution in three dimensions
DJ Rowenhorst, PW Voorhees
Annual Review of Materials Research 42 (1), 105-124, 2012
EBSD analysis of friction stir weld textures
RW Fonda, KE Knipling, DJ Rowenhorst
Jom 66, 149-155, 2014
Effects of focused ion beam milling on austenite stability in ferrous alloys
KE Knipling, DJ Rowenhorst, RW Fonda, G Spanos
Materials Characterization 61 (1), 1-6, 2010
The five-parameter grain boundary curvature distribution in an austenitic and ferritic steel
X Zhong, DJ Rowenhorst, H Beladi, GS Rohrer
Acta Materialia 123, 136-145, 2017
Measurements of the grain boundary energy and anisotropy in tin
DJ Rowenhorst, PW Voorhees
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 36, 2127-2135, 2005
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Articles 1–20