Marcio Daldin Teodoro
Marcio Daldin Teodoro
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Aharonov-Bohm interference in neutral excitons: effects of built-in electric fields
MD Teodoro, VL Campo Jr, V Lopez-Richard, E Marega Jr, GE Marques, ...
Physical review letters 104 (8), 086401, 2010
Role of defects on the enhancement of the photocatalytic response of ZnO nanostructures
M Montero-Muñoz, JE Ramos-Ibarra, JE Rodríguez-Páez, MD Teodoro, ...
Applied Surface Science 448, 646-654, 2018
Cation-exchange mediated synthesis of hydrogen and sodium titanates heterojunction: Theoretical and experimental insights toward photocatalyic mechanism
IM Iani, V Teodoro, NL Marana, U Coleto Jr, JR Sambrano, AZ Simões, ...
Applied Surface Science 538, 148137, 2021
Growth and formation mechanism of shape-selective preparation of ZnO structures: correlation of structural, vibrational and optical properties
M Montero-Muñoz, JE Ramos-Ibarra, JE Rodríguez-Páez, GE Marques, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 22 (14), 7329-7339, 2020
Enhanced degradation of the antibiotic sulfamethoxazole by heterogeneous photocatalysis using Ce0, 8Gd0, 2O2-δ/TiO2 particles
MH de Matos Rodrigues, PAR de Sousa, KCM Borges, L de Melo Coelho, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 808, 151711, 2019
Magneto-optical properties of Cd 1− x Mn x S nanoparticles: influences of magnetic doping, Mn 2+ ions localization, and quantum confinement
ESF Neto, NO Dantas, SA Lourenco, MD Teodoro, GE Marques
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 14 (9), 3248-3255, 2012
Enhanced photocatalytic activity of CaMoO4/g-C3N4 composites obtained via sonochemistry synthesis
AAG Santiago, EM Macedo, FKF Oliveira, RL Tranquilin, MD Teodoro, ...
Materials Research Bulletin 146, 111621, 2022
Microwave-Driven Hexagonal-to-Monoclinic Transition in BiPO4: An In-Depth Experimental Investigation and First-Principles Study
ACM Tello, M Assis, R Menasce, AF Gouveia, V Teodoro, N Jacomaci, ...
Inorganic Chemistry 59 (11), 7453-7468, 2020
Synthesis, characterization, photocatalytic, and antimicrobial activity of ZrO2 nanoparticles and Ag@ZrO2 nanocomposite prepared by the advanced oxidative …
CV Nova, KA Reis, AL Pinheiro, CJ Dalmaschio, AJ Chiquito, ...
Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology 98, 113-126, 2021
The photocatalytic performance of Fe inserted in Nb2O5 obtained by microwave-assisted hydrothermal synthesis: factorial design of experiments
CL Ücker, V Goetzke, FC Riemke, ME Oliveira, NLV Carreno, ...
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 435, 114294, 2023
Efficient Ni and Fe doping process in ZnO with enhanced photocatalytic activity: A theoretical and experimental investigation
SCS Lemos, TK de Lima Rezende, M Assis, F da Costa Romeiro, ...
Materials Research Bulletin 152, 111849, 2022
Insights into the nature of optically active defects of ZnO
L Cabral, V Lopez-Richard, JLF Da Silva, GE Marques, MP Lima, ...
Journal of luminescence 227, 117536, 2020
Quantitative correlation study of dislocation generation, strain relief, and Sn outdiffusion in thermally annealed GeSn epilayers
HV Stanchu, AV Kuchuk, YI Mazur, K Pandey, FM de Oliveira, ...
Crystal Growth & Design 21 (3), 1666-1673, 2021
Investigation of the photocatalytic and optical properties of the SrMoO4/g-C3N4 heterostructure obtained via sonochemical synthesis with temperature control
DF Dos Santos, AAG Santiago, MD Teodoro, FV Motta, MRD Bomio
Journal of Environmental Management 325, 116396, 2023
Diffusion of photoexcited holes in a viscous electron fluid
YA Pusep, MD Teodoro, V Laurindo Jr, ER Cardozo de Oliveira, ...
Physical Review Letters 128 (13), 136801, 2022
Revealing the impact of strain in the optical properties of bubbles in monolayer MoSe 2
FS Covre, PE Faria, VO Gordo, CS de Brito, YV Zhumagulov, MD Teodoro, ...
Nanoscale 14 (15), 5758-5768, 2022
Carrier transfer in vertically stacked quantum ring-quantum dot chains
YI Mazur, V Lopes-Oliveira, LD de Souza, V Lopez-Richard, MD Teodoro, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 117 (15), 2015
Substrate orientation effect on potential fluctuations in multiquantum wells of GaAs∕ AlGaAs
MD Teodoro, IFL Dias, E Laureto, JL Duarte, PP González-Borrero, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 103 (9), 2008
Comparison of Aβ (1–40, 1–28, 11–22, and 29–40) aggregation processes and inhibition of toxic species generated in early stages of aggregation by a water-soluble ruthenium complex
MP Cali, LMB Pereira, MD Teodoro, TA Sellani, EG Rodrigues, RM Carlos
Journal of inorganic biochemistry 215, 111314, 2021
Effect of hydrothermal temperature on the antibacterial and photocatalytic activity of WO3 decorated with silver nanoparticles
RA Capeli, T Belmonte, J Caierão, CJ Dalmaschio, SR Teixeira, ...
Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology 97, 228-244, 2021
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Articles 1–20