Christos Katrakazas
Christos Katrakazas
Postdoctoral Research Associate, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)
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Real-time motion planning methods for autonomous on-road driving: State-of-the-art and future research directions
C Katrakazas, M Quddus, WH Chen, L Deka
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 60, 416-442, 2015
A descriptive analysis of the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on driving behavior and road safety
C Katrakazas, E Michelaraki, M Sekadakis, G Yannis
Transportation research interdisciplinary perspectives 7, 100186, 2020
A new integrated collision risk assessment methodology for autonomous vehicles
C Katrakazas, M Quddus, WH Chen
Accident Analysis & Prevention 127, 61-79, 2019
Prediction of lane-changing maneuvers with automatic labeling and deep learning
V Mahajan, C Katrakazas, C Antoniou
Transportation research record 2674 (7), 336-347, 2020
Analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on collisions, fatalities and injuries using time series forecasting: The case of Greece
M Sekadakis, C Katrakazas, E Michelaraki, F Kehagia, G Yannis
Accident Analysis & Prevention 162, 106391, 2021
A simulation study of predicting real-time conflict-prone traffic conditions
C Katrakazas, M Quddus, WH Chen
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 19 (10), 3196-3207, 2017
Negotiation and decision-making for a pedestrian roadway crossing: A literature review
R Ezzati Amini, C Katrakazas, C Antoniou
Sustainability 11 (23), 6713, 2019
Identifying the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on driving behavior using naturalistic driving data and time series forecasting
C Katrakazas, E Michelaraki, M Sekadakis, A Ziakopoulos, A Kontaxi, ...
Journal of safety research 78, 189-202, 2021
Microscopic traffic simulation models for connected and automated vehicles (CAVs)–state-of-the-art
P Gora, C Katrakazas, A Drabicki, F Islam, P Ostaszewski
Procedia Computer Science 170, 474-481, 2020
Prediction of rear-end conflict frequency using multiple-location traffic parameters
C Katrakazas, A Theofilatos, MA Islam, E Papadimitriou, L Dimitriou, ...
Accident Analysis & Prevention 152, 106007, 2021
Crash risk estimation due to lane changing: A data-driven approach using naturalistic data
V Mahajan, C Katrakazas, C Antoniou
IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems 23 (4), 3756-3765, 2020
Interaction of automated driving systems with pedestrians: Challenges, current solutions, and recommendations for eHMIs
R Ezzati Amini, C Katrakazas, A Riener, C Antoniou
Transport Reviews 41 (6), 788-813, 2021
Did the COVID-19 pandemic influence traffic fatalities in 2020? A presentation of first findings
F Wegman, C Katrakazas
IATSS research 45 (4), 469-484, 2021
Cyber security and its impact on CAV safety: Overview, policy needs and challenges
C Katrakazas, A Theofilatos, G Papastefanatos, J Härri, C Antoniou
Advances in transport policy and planning 5, 73-94, 2020
Real-time monitoring of driver distraction: State-of-the-art and future insights
E Michelaraki, C Katrakazas, S Kaiser, T Brijs, G Yannis
Accident Analysis & Prevention 192, 107241, 2023
Post-trip safety interventions: State-of-the-art, challenges, and practical implications
E Michelaraki, C Katrakazas, G Yannis, A Filtness, R Talbot, G Hancox, ...
Journal of safety research 77, 67-85, 2021
A four-country comparative overview of the impact of COVID-19 on traffic safety behavior
E Michelaraki, M Sekadakis, C Katrakazas, A Ziakopoulos, G Yannis
10th International Congress on Transportation Research, Future Mobility and …, 2021
Developing an advanced collision risk model for autonomous vehicles
C Katrakazas
Loughborough University, 2017
A simulation study of predicting conflict-prone traffic conditions in real-time
C Katrakazas, M Quddus, WH Chen
Loughborough University, 2017
D3. 3 Toolbox of recommended interventions to assist drivers in maintaining a safety tolerance zone
K Brijs, T Brijs, V Ross, E Donders, Y Vanrompay, G Wets, H Dirix, ...
Loughborough University, 2020
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Articles 1–20