Federico Perini
Federico Perini
Wisconsin Engine Research Consultants
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An analytical Jacobian approach to sparse reaction kinetics for computationally efficient combustion modelling with large reaction mechanisms
F Perini, E Galligani, RD Reitz
Energy & Fuels 26 (8), 4804–4822, 2012
A quasi-dimensional combustion model for performance and emissions of SI engines running on hydrogen–methane blends
F Perini, F Paltrinieri, E Mattarelli
International journal of hydrogen energy 35 (10), 4687-4701, 2010
A comprehensive modeling study of in-cylinder fluid flows in a high-swirl, light-duty optical diesel engine
F Perini, PC Miles, RD Reitz
Computers & Fluids 105, 113-124, 2014
A study of direct and Krylov iterative sparse solver techniques to approach linear scaling of the integration of chemical kinetics with detailed combustion mechanisms
F Perini, E Galligani, RD Reitz
Combustion and Flame 161 (5), 1180-1195, 2014
Improved atomization, collision and sub-grid scale momentum coupling models for transient vaporizing engine sprays
F Perini, RD Reitz
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 79, 107-123, 2016
Development of reduced and optimized reaction mechanisms based on genetic algorithms and element flux analysis
F Perini, JL Brakora, RD Reitz, G Cantore
Combustion and Flame 159 (1), 103-119, 2012
A computational investigation of the effects of swirl ratio and injection pressure on wall heat transfer in a light-duty diesel engine
F Perini, AB Dempsey, RD Reitz, D Sahoo, PC Miles, BR Petersen
SAE World Congress and Exhibition 2013, 2013-01-1105, 2013
Piston geometry effects in a light-duty, swirl-supported diesel engine: flow structure characterization
F Perini, K Zha, S Busch, E Kurtz, R Peterson, A Warey, RD Reitz
International Journal of Engine Research, 2017
Comparison of linear, non-linear and generalized RNG-based k-epsilon models for turbulent diesel engine flows
F Perini, K Zha, S Busch, R Reitz
SAE Technical Paper, 2017
High-dimensional, unsupervised cell clustering for computationally efficient engine simulations with detailed combustion chemistry
F Perini
Fuel 106, 344-356, 2012
Bowl Geometry Effects on Turbulent Flow Structure in a Direct Injection Diesel Engine.
S Busch, K Zha, F Perini, R Reitz, E Kurtz, A Warey, R Peterson
Sandia National Lab.(SNL-CA), Livermore, CA (United States) 1 (SAND2018-10095C), 2018
An Efficient Level-Set Flame Propagation Model for Hybrid Unstructured Grids Using the G-Equation
F Perini, K Hiraoka, K Nomura, A Yuuki, Y Oda, CJ Rutland, RD Reitz
SAE International Journal of Engines 9 (3), 1409-1424, 2016
Fast approximations of exponential and logarithm functions combined with efficient storage/retrieval for combustion kinetics calculations
F Perini, RD Reitz
Combustion and Flame 194, 37-51, 2018
Validation of a Sparse Analytical Jacobian Chemistry Solver for Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine Simulations with Comprehensive Reaction Mechanisms
F Perini, E Galligani, G Cantore, RD Reitz
SAE Technical Paper 2012-01-1974 2012, 2012
Modeling the ignitability of a pilot injection for a diesel primary reference fuel: Impact of injection pressure, ambient temperature and injected mass
P Federico, D Sahoo, P Miles, R Reitz
SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants 7 (1), 48-64, 2014
Limitations of sector mesh geometry and initial conditions to model flow and mixture formation in direct-injection diesel engines
F Perini, S Busch, E Kurtz, A Warey, RC Peterson, R Reitz
SAE Technical Paper, 2019
Principal Component Analysis and study of port-induced swirl structures in a light-duty optical diesel engine.
F Perini, K Zha, S Busch, PC Miles, RD Reitz
Sandia National Lab.(SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States), 2015
Computationally Efficient Simulation of Multi-Component Fuel Combustion Using a Sparse Analytical Jacobian Chemistry Solver and High-Dimensional Clustering
F Perini, A Krishnasamy, Y Ra, RD Reitz
Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall 2013 Conference, 2013
2-Stroke diesel engine for light aircraft: IDI vs. DI combustion systems
E Mattarelli, F Paltrinieri, F Perini, CA Rinaldini, M Wilksch
SAE Technical Paper, 2010
A phenomenological rate of injection model for predicting fuel injection with application to mixture formation in light-duty diesel engines
F Perini, S Busch, RD Reitz
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of …, 2020
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Articles 1–20