Andrea Fossati
Andrea Fossati
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Cited by
Random forests for real time 3d face analysis
G Fanelli, M Dantone, J Gall, A Fossati, L Van Gool
International Journal of Computer Vision 101 (3), 437-458, 2013
Social interaction discovery by statistical analysis of F-formations
M Cristani, L Bazzani, G Paggetti, A Fossati, D Tosato, A Del Bue, ...
Proceedings of British Machine Vision Conference, 2011
One-Shot Person Re-identification with a Consumer Depth Camera
M Munaro, A Fossati, A Basso, E Menegatti, L Van Gool
Person Re-Identification, 161-181, 2014
3D Reconstruction of Freely Moving Persons for Re-Identification with a Depth Sensor
M Munaro, A Basso, A Fossati, L Van Gool, E Menegatti
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2014
Consumer Depth Cameras for Computer Vision
A Fossati, J Gall, H Grabner, X Ren, K Konolige
Springer, 2013
Consumer Depth Cameras for Computer Vision
A Fossati, J Gall, H Grabner, X Ren, K Konolige
Springer, 2013
Functional categorization of objects using real-time markerless motion capture
J Gall, A Fossati, L van Gool
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2011 IEEE Conference on …, 2011
Real-time vehicle tracking for driving assistance
A Fossati, P Schönmann, P Fua
Machine Vision and Applications 22 (2), 439-448, 2011
Bridging the gap between detection and tracking for 3D monocular video-based motion capture
A Fossati, M Dimitrijevic, V Lepetit, P Fua
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2007. CVPR'07. IEEE Conference on, 1-8, 2007
Cooperative, distributed localization in multi-robot systems: a minimum-entropy approach
V Caglioti, A Citterio, A Fossati
IEEE Workshop on Distributed Intelligent Systems: Collective Intelligence …, 2006
From canonical poses to 3D motion capture using a single camera
A Fossati, M Dimitrijevic, V Lepetit, P Fua
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 32 (7), 1165-1181, 2009
Observable subspaces for 3D human motion recovery
A Fossati, M Salzmann, P Fua
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2009. CVPR 2009. IEEE Conference on …, 2009
Towards a remote medical diagnostician for medical examination
A Peer, M Buss, B Stanczyk, D Szczesniak-Stanczyk, W Brzozowski, ...
Tracking articulated bodies using generalized expectation maximization
A Fossati, E Arnaud, R Horaud, P Fua
2008 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2008
Efficient Model-free Anthropometry from Depth Data
T Probst, A Fossati, M Salzmann, L Van Gool
2017 International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV), 486-495, 2017
Combining human body shape and pose estimation for robust upper body tracking using a depth sensor
T Probst, A Fossati, LV Gool
European Conference on Computer Vision, 285-301, 2016
Large Occlusion Completion Using Normal Maps
E Tola, A Fossati, C Strecha, P Fua
ACCV, November, 2010
Robotic ADaptation to Humans Adapting to Robots
E Demeester, E Vander Poorten, A Hüntemann, J De Schutter, B Lau, ...
1st Int’l Conference on Systems and Computer Science (ICSCS), 2012
Robotic ADaptation to Humans Adapting to Robots: Overview of the FP7 project RADHAR
E Demeester, E Vander Poorten, A Hüntemann, J De Schutter, ...
International Conference on Systems and Computer Science (ICSCS2012), Date …, 2012
Linking pose and motion
A Fossati, P Fua
European Conference on Computer Vision, 200-213, 2008
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Articles 1–20