Sheng-Uei Guan
Cited by
Cited by
Encyclopedia of information science and technology
DBA Khosrow-Pour
Igi Global, 2005
Parameter estimation of photovoltaic models via cuckoo search
J Ma, TO Ting, KL Man, N Zhang, SU Guan, PWH Wong
Journal of applied mathematics 2013 (1), 362619, 2013
An incremental approach to genetic-algorithms-based classification
SU Guan, F Zhu
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics) 35 …, 2005
Approximate Single‐Diode Photovoltaic Model for Efficient IV Characteristics Estimation
J Ma, KL Man, TO Ting, N Zhang, SU Guan, PWH Wong
The Scientific World Journal 2013 (1), 230471, 2013
Investigation of neural networks for function approximation
S Yang, TO Ting, KL Man, SU Guan
Procedia Computer Science 17, 586-594, 2013
Shared workspaces for group collaboration: An experiment using internet and unix interprocess communications
HM Abdel-Wahab, SU Guan, J Nievergelt
IEEE Communications Magazine 26 (11), 10-16, 1988
Electronic Commerce: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
A Becker
IGI global, 2007
Incremental learning with respect to new incoming input attributes
SU Guan, S Li
Neural Processing Letters 14, 241-260, 2001
Pseudorandom number generation with self-programmable cellular automata
SU Guan, SK Tan
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and …, 2004
An evolutionary approach to the design of controllable cellular automata structure for random number generation
SU Guan, S Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 7 (1), 23-36, 2003
EEG eye state identification using incremental attribute learning with time‐series classification
T Wang, SU Guan, KL Man, TO Ting
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2014 (1), 365101, 2014
Evolving dynamic multi-objective optimization problems with objective replacement
SU Guan, Q Chen, W Mo
Artificial Intelligence Review 23, 267-293, 2005
Improved two-stream model for human action recognition
Y Zhao, KL Man, J Smith, K Siddique, SU Guan
EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing 2020, 1-9, 2020
Parallel growing and training of neural networks using output parallelism
SU Guan, S Li
IEEE transactions on Neural Networks 13 (3), 542-550, 2002
An incremental approach to contribution-based feature selection
SU Guan, J Liu, Y Qi
Journal of Intelligent Systems 13 (1), 15-42, 2004
A prioritized Petri net model and its application in distributed multimedia systems
SU Guan, HY Yu, JS Yang
IEEE Transactions on Computers 47 (4), 477-481, 1998
Encyclopedia of information ethics and security
M Quigley
IGI global, 2007
A middleware platform to support river monitoring using wireless sensor networks
D Hughes, J Ueyama, E Mendiondo, N Matthys, W Horré, S Michiels, ...
Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society 17, 85-102, 2011
Feature selection for modular GA-based classification
F Zhu, S Guan
Applied Soft Computing 4 (4), 381-393, 2004
Parameter estimation of photovoltaic model via parallel particle swarm optimization algorithm
J Ma, KL Man, SU Guan, TO Ting, PWH Wong
International journal of energy research 40 (3), 343-352, 2016
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Articles 1–20