Paula R. Kuser Falcão
Paula R. Kuser Falcão
Laboratório de Bioinformática Aplicada, Embrapa Informática Agropecuária
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Open access resources for genome-wide association mapping in rice
S McCouch
Nature Communications 7, 2016
Structural and phylogenetic analysis of adenovirus hexons by use of high-resolution x-ray crystallographic, molecular modeling, and sequence-based methods
JJ Rux, PR Kuser, RM Burnett
Journal of virology 77 (17), 9553-9566, 2003
The high resolution crystal structure of yeast hexokinase PII with the correct primary sequence provides new insights into its mechanism of action
PR Kuser, S Krauchenco, OAC Antunes, I Polikarpov
Journal of Biological Chemistry 275 (27), 20814-20821, 2000
Evidence for reductive genome evolution and lateral acquisition of virulence functions in two Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis strains
JC Ruiz, V D'Afonseca, A Silva, A Ali, AC Pinto, AR Santos, AAMC Rocha, ...
PloS one 6 (4), e18551, 2011
Pandemia de desinformação: as fake news no contexto da Covid-19 no Brasil
P Falcão, AB Souza
Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto de Comunicação e Informação Científica e …, 2021
STING Millennium: A web-based suite of programs for comprehensive and simultaneous analysis of protein structure and sequence
G Neshich, RC Togawa, AL Mancini, PR Kuser, MEB Yamagishi, ...
Nucleic acids research 31 (13), 3386-3392, 2003
Cloning, expression, molecular modelling and docking analysis of glutathione transferase from Saccharum officinarum
A Ghelfi, SA Gaziola, MC Cia, SM Chabregas, MC Falco, ...
Annals of Applied Biology, 2011
Predicting enzyme class from protein structure using Bayesian classification.
LC Borro, SRM Oliveira, MEB Yamagishi, AL Mancini, JG Jardine, ...
Genetics and Molecular Research, v. 5, n. 1, p. 193-202, 2006., 2006
The mechanism of iron uptake by transferrins: The structure of an 18 kDa NII-domain fragment from duck ovotransferrin at 2.3 Å resolution
PF Lindley, M Bajaj, RW Evans, RC Garrett, SS Hasnain, H Jhoti, P Kuser, ...
Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography 49 (2), 292-304, 1993
JavaProtein Dossier: a novel web-based data visualization tool for comprehensive analysis of protein structure
G Neshich, W Rocchia, AL Mancini, MEB Yamagishi, PR Kuser, R Fileto, ...
Nucleic Acids Research 32 (suppl_2), W595-W601, 2004
Genetic variability and natural selection at the ligand domain of the Duffy binding protein in brazilian Plasmodium vivax populations
TN Sousa, EM Tarazona-Santos, DJ Wilson, AP Madureira, PRK Falcão, ...
Malaria journal 9 (1), 334, 2010
STING Contacts: a web-based application for identification and analysis of amino acid contacts within protein structure and across protein interfaces
AL Mancini, RH Higa, A Oliveira, F Dominiquini, PR Kuser, ...
Bioinformatics 20 (13), 2145-2147, 2004
The diamond STING server
G Neshich, LC Borro, RH Higa, PR Kuser, MEB Yamagishi, EH Franco, ...
Nucleic acids research 33 (suppl_2), W29-W35, 2005
Alterações bioquímicas post-mortem de matrinxã Brycon cephalus (Günther, 1869) procedente da piscicultura, mantido em gelo
GM Batista, E Lessi, M Kodaira, PT Falcão
Food Science and Technology 24, 573-581, 2004
Crystal structure of yeast hexokinase PI in complex with glucose: A classical “induced fit” example revised
P Kuser, F Cupri, L Bleicher, I Polikarpov
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 72 (2), 731-740, 2008
The X-ray structure of a recombinant major urinary protein at 1.75 Å resolution. A comparative study of X-ray and NMR-derived structures
PR Kuser, L Franzoni, E Ferrari, A Spisni, I Polikarpov
Biological Crystallography 57 (12), 1863-1869, 2001
STING Report: convenient web-based application for graphic and tabular presentations of protein sequence, structure and function descriptors from the STING database
G Neshich, AL Mancini, MEB Yamagishi, PR Kuser, R Fileto, IP Pinto, ...
Nucleic acids research 33 (suppl_1), D269-D274, 2005
The Star STING server: a multiplatform environment for protein structure analysis
G Neshich, I Mazoni, SR Oliveira, ME Yamagishi, PR Kuser-Falcao, ...
Genet Mol Res 5 (4), 717-722, 2006
Schistosoma mansoni: Expression of Fes-like tyrosine kinase SmFes in the tegument and terebratorium suggests its involvement in host penetration
D Bahia, RA Mortara, JR Kusel, LF Andrade, F Ludolf, PR Kuser, L Avelar, ...
Experimental parasitology 116 (3), 225-232, 2007
Single nucleotide polymorphisms identification in expressed genes of Schistosoma mansoni
M Simoes, D Bahia, A Zerlotini, K Torres, F Artiguenave, G Neshich, ...
Molecular and biochemical parasitology 154 (2), 134-140, 2007
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Articles 1–20