J. L. Garcia-Palacios
J. L. Garcia-Palacios
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Langevin-dynamics study of the dynamical properties of small magnetic particles
JL García-Palacios, FJ Lázaro
Physical Review B 58 (22), 14937, 1998
On the statics and dynamics of magnetoanisotropic nanoparticles
JL Garcia-Palacios
Advances in Chemical Physics (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2007) 112, 1-210, 2000
Nonlinear dynamic susceptibilities of interacting and noninteracting magnetic nanoparticles
P Jönsson, T Jonsson, JL Garcıa-Palacios, P Svedlindh
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 222 (1-2), 219-226, 2000
Intra-potential-well contribution to the AC susceptibility of a noninteracting nano-sized magnetic particle system
P Svedlindh, T Jonsson, JL García-Palacios
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 169 (3), 323-334, 1997
The Caldeira–Leggett quantum master equation in Wigner phase space: continued-fraction solution and application to Brownian motion in periodic potentials
JL García-Palacios, D Zueco
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 37 (45), 10735, 2004
Large nonlinear dynamical response of superparamagnets: Interplay between precession and thermoactivation in the stochastic Landau-Lifshitz equation
JL García-Palacios, P Svedlindh
Physical Review Letters 85 (17), 3724, 2000
Thermodynamic perturbation theory for dipolar superparamagnets
PE Jönsson, JL Garcia-Palacios
Physical Review B 64 (17), 174416, 2001
Relaxation time of weakly interacting superparamagnets
PE Jönsson, JL Garcia-Palacios
Europhysics Letters 55 (3), 418, 2001
Steady-state thermal transport in anharmonic systems: Application to molecular junctions
J Thingna, JL García-Palacios, JS Wang
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (19), 195452, 2012
Introduction to the theory of stochastic processes and Brownian motion problems
JL Garcia-Palacios
arXiv preprint cond-mat/0701242, 2007
Superparamagnetic relaxation in α-Fe particles
F Bødker, S Mørup, MS Pedersen, P Svedlindh, GT Jonsson, ...
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 177, 925-927, 1998
Relaxation in interacting nanoparticle systems
PE Jönsson, JL Garcıa-Palacios, MF Hansen, P Nordblad
Journal of molecular liquids 114 (1-3), 131-135, 2004
Anisotropy effects on the nonlinear magnetic susceptibilities of superparamagnetic particles
JL García-Palacios, FJ Lázaro
Physical Review B 55 (2), 1006, 1997
Coercivity enhancement in γ-Fe2O3 particles dispersed at low-volume fraction
MP Morales, MJ Munoz-Aguado, JL Garcıa-Palacios, FJ Lázaro, CJ Serna
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 183 (1-2), 232-240, 1998
Solving quantum master equations in phase space by continued-fraction methods
JL García-Palacios
Europhysics Letters 65 (6), 735, 2004
Solving spin quantum master equations with matrix continued-fraction methods: application to superparamagnets
JL García-Palacios, D Zueco
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 39 (42), 13243, 2006
Superparamagnetic particles in ZSM-5–type ferrisilicates
A López, FJ Lázaro, JL García-Palacios, A Larrea, QA Pankhurst, ...
Journal of materials research 12 (6), 1519-1529, 1997
Longitudinal relaxation and thermoactivation of quantum superparamagnets
D Zueco, JL García-Palacios
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 73 (10), 104448, 2006
Nonlinear response of superparamagnets with finite damping: An analytical approach
JL Garcia-Palacios, DA Garanin
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 70 (6), 064415, 2004
Nonlinear susceptibility of superparamagnets with a general anisotropy energy
JL García-Palacios, P Jönsson, P Svedlindh
Physical Review B 61 (10), 6726, 2000
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