Ferrie van Hattum
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Cited by
Production and assessment of polycarbonate composites reinforced with vapour-grown carbon fibres
OS Carneiro, JA Covas, CA Bernardo, G Caldeira, FWJ Van Hattum, ...
Composites Science and Technology 58 (3-4), 401-407, 1998
A study of the effect of plasma treatment on the interfacial properties of carbon fibre–thermoplastic composites
MA Montes-Morán, FWJ Van Hattum, JP Nunes, A Martínez-Alonso, ...
Carbon 43 (8), 1795-1799, 2005
Transport properties of polymer-vapour grown carbon fibre composites
SA Gordeyev, FJ Macedo, JA Ferreira, FWJ Van Hattum, CA Bernardo
Physica B: Condensed Matter 279 (1-3), 33-36, 2000
The effect of fibre concentration on the α to β-phase transformation, degree of crystallinity and electrical properties of vapour grown carbon nanofibre/poly (vinylidene …
P Costa, J Silva, V Sencadas, CM Costa, FWJ Van Hattum, JG Rocha, ...
Carbon 47 (11), 2590-2599, 2009
High CNT content composites with CNT Buckypaper and epoxy resin matrix: Impregnation behaviour composite production and characterization
PE Lopes, F van Hattum, CMC Pereira, PJRO Nóvoa, S Forero, F Hepp, ...
Composite Structures 92 (6), 1291-1298, 2010
A study of the thermomechanical properties of carbon fiber‐polypropylene composites
FWJ Van Hattum, CA Bernardo, JC Finegan, GG Tibbetts, RL Alig, ...
Polymer composites 20 (5), 683-688, 1999
A model to predict the strength of short fiber composites
FWJ Van Hattum, CA Bernardo
Polymer composites 20 (4), 524-533, 1999
The piezoresistive effect in polypropylene—carbon nanofibre composites obtained by shear extrusion
AJ Paleo, FWJ Van Hattum, J Pereira, JG Rocha, J Silva, V Sencadas, ...
Smart Materials and Structures 19 (6), 065013, 2010
Influence of waviness and curliness of fibres on mechanical properties of composites
AY Matveeva, SV Pyrlin, MMD Ramos, HJ Böhm, FWJ van Hattum
Computational materials science 87, 1-11, 2014
Effect of filler dispersion on the electromechanical response of epoxy/vapor-grown carbon nanofiber composites
A Ferreira, P Cardoso, D Klosterman, JA Covas, FWJ Van Hattum, F Vaz, ...
Smart materials and structures 21 (7), 075008, 2012
Mechanical behavior of novel sandwich composite panels based on 3D-knitted spacer fabrics
JC Velosa, S Rana, R Fangueiro, FWJ Van Hattum, F Soutinho, ...
Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 31 (2), 95-105, 2012
The dominant role of tunneling in the conductivity of carbon nanofiber‐epoxy composites
P Cardoso, J Silva, AJ Paleo, FWJ Van Hattum, R Simoes, ...
physica status solidi (a) 207 (2), 407-410, 2010
The role of disorder on the AC and DC electrical conductivity of vapour grown carbon nanofibre/epoxy composites
P Cardoso, J Silva, D Klosterman, JA Covas, FWJ Van Hattum, R Simões, ...
Composites science and technology 72 (2), 243-247, 2012
Carbon nanofiber type and content dependence of the physical properties of carbon nanofiber reinforced polypropylene composites
AJ Paleo, V Sencadas, FWJ Van Hattum, S Lanceros‐Méndez, A Ares
Polymer Engineering & Science 54 (1), 117-128, 2014
Prediction of fiber orientation in a rotating compressing and expanding mold
J Wang, CA Silva, JC Viana, FWJ Van Hattum, AM Cunha, CL Tucker III
Polymer Engineering & Science 48 (7), 1405-1413, 2008
The effect of morphology on the properties of vapour-grown carbon fibres
FWJ Van Hattum, P Serp, JL Figueiredo, CA Bernardo
Elsevier Science, 1997
Cost reduction in manufacturing of aerospace composites
FWJ Van Hattum, F Regel, M Labordus
Plastics, Rubber and Composites 40 (2), 93-99, 2011
LFT: the future of reinforced thermoplastics?
F van Hattum, S van Breugel
Reinforced Plastics 45 (6), 42-44, 2001
Polypropylene-carbon nanofiber composites as strain-gauge sensor
JG Rocha, AJ Paleo, FWJ van Hattum, S Lanceros-Mendez
IEEE Sensors Journal 13 (7), 2603-2609, 2013
The influence of the dispersion method on the electrical properties of vapor-grown carbon nanofiber/epoxy composites
P Cardoso, J Silva, D Klosterman, JA Covas, FWJ van Hattum, R Simoes, ...
Nanoscale research letters 6, 1-5, 2011
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Articles 1–20