Volodymyr Kapustianyk / Володимир Капустяник
Volodymyr Kapustianyk / Володимир Капустяник
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv / Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка
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Cited by
Multiferroicity and hydrogen-bond ordering in featuring dominant ferromagnetic interactions
B Kundys, A Lappas, M Viret, V Kapustianyk, V Rudyk, S Semak, C Simon, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (22), 224434, 2010
Tungstate and molybdate scintillators to search for dark matter and double beta decay
LL Nagornaya, FA Danevich, AM Dubovik, BV Grinyov, S Henry, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 56 (4), 2513-2518, 2009
Linear and nonlinear optical properties of ZnO/PMMA nanocomposite films
B Kulyk, B Sahraoui, O Krupka, V Kapustianyk, V Rudyk, E Berdowska, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 106 (9), 2009
Optical properties of ZnO/PMMA nanocomposite films
B Kulyk, V Kapustianyk, V Tsybulskyy, O Krupka, B Sahraoui
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 502 (1), 24-27, 2010
Structure, luminescence and scintillation properties of the MgWO4-MgMoO4 system
VB Mikhailik, H Kraus, V Kapustyanyk, M Panasyuk, Y Prots, V Tsybulskyi, ...
Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter 20 (36), 365219, 2008
Influence of Ag, Cu dopants on the second and third harmonic response of ZnO films
B Kulyk, B Sahraoui, V Figà, B Turko, V Rudyk, V Kapustianyk
Journal of alloys and compounds 481 (1-2), 819-825, 2009
Influence of size effect and sputtering conditions on the crystallinity and optical properties of ZnO thin films
V Kapustianyk, B Turko, A Kostruba, Z Sofiani, B Derkowska, ...
Optics Communications 269 (2), 346-350, 2007
Bright and fast scintillations of an inorganic halide perovskite CsPbBr3 crystal at cryogenic temperatures
VB Mykhaylyk, H Kraus, V Kapustianyk, HJ Kim, P Mercere, M Rudko, ...
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 8601, 2020
Second and third order nonlinear optical properties of microrod ZnO films deposited on sapphire substrates by thermal oxidation of metallic zinc
B Kulyk, Z Essaidi, J Luc, Z Sofiani, G Boudebs, B Sahraoui, ...
Journal of applied physics 102 (11), 2007
Luminescence and scintillation properties of CsI: A potential cryogenic scintillator
VB Mikhailik, V Kapustyanyk, V Tsybulskyi, V Rudyk, H Kraus
physica status solidi (b) 252 (4), 804-810, 2015
Temperature Evolution of the Optical Absorption Edge in the A2BX4 Type Compounds with Organic Cation
VB Kapustianik
physica status solidi (b) 204 (2), 877-887, 1997
Second and third order nonlinear optical properties of nanostructured ZnO thin films deposited on α-BBO and LiNbO3
B Kulyk, Z Essaidi, V Kapustianyk, B Turko, V Rudyk, M Partyka, M Addou, ...
Optics communications 281 (24), 6107-6111, 2008
Low temperature scintillation properties of Ga2O3
VB Mykhaylyk, H Kraus, V Kapustianyk, M Rudko
Applied Physics Letters 115 (8), 2019
Phase Transitions and Photoinduced Non-Linear Optics in TEA-CoCl2Br2 Nanocrystallites
V Rudyk, I Kityk, V Kapustianyk, K Ozga
Ferroelectrics 330 (1), 19-24, 2006
Temperature dependence of scintillation properties of SrMoO4
VB Mikhailik, Y Elyashevskyi, H Kraus, HJ Kim, V Kapustianyk, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2015
Influence of domain structure on electro-and piezooptic properties of NH2 (CH3) 2Al (SO4) 2· 6H2O crystals
OG Vlokh, VB Kapustianik, II Polovinko, SA Sveleba, EF Andreyev, ...
Ferroelectrics 111 (1), 333-337, 1990
Optical SHG for ZnO films with different morphology stimulated by UV-laser thermotreatment
J Ebothe, R Miedzinski, V Kapustianyk, B Turko, B Kulyk, W Gruhn, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 79 (1), 012001, 2007
Dielectric properties of NH2(CH3)2AL(SO4)2 · 6H2O crystals at low temperatures
V Kapustianik, M Bublyk, I Polovinko, S Sveleba, Z Trybula, E Andreyev
Phase Transitions: A Multinational Journal 49 (4), 231-235, 1994
Anomalous dielectric behaviour of crystals in the ferroelectric phase
V Kapustianik, M Fally, H Kabelka, H Warhanek
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 9 (3), 723, 1997
Resonance dielectric dispersion of TEA-CoCl2Br2 nanocrystals incorporated into the PMMA matrix
V Kapustianyk, Y Shchur, I Kityk, V Rudyk, G Lach, L Laskowski, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20 (36), 365215, 2008
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Articles 1–20