Paul Solomon
Paul Solomon
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Device scaling limits of Si MOSFETs and their application dependencies
DJ Frank, RH Dennard, E Nowak, PM Solomon, Y Taur, HSP Wong
Proceedings of the IEEE 89 (3), 259-288, 2001
An integrated logic circuit assembled on a single carbon nanotube
Z Chen, J Appenzeller, YM Lin, J Sippel-Oakley, AG Rinzler, J Tang, ...
Science 311 (5768), 1735-1735, 2006
Nanoscale cmos
HSP Wong, DJ Frank, PM Solomon, CHJ Wann, JJ Welser
Proceedings of the IEEE 87 (4), 537-570, 1999
Silicon CMOS devices beyond scaling
W Haensch, EJ Nowak, RH Dennard, PM Solomon, A Bryant, ...
IBM Journal of Research and Development 50 (4.5), 339-361, 2006
Six-band calculation of the hole mobility in silicon inversion layers: Dependence on surface orientation, strain, and silicon thickness
MV Fischetti, Z Ren, PM Solomon, M Yang, K Rim
Journal of Applied Physics 94 (2), 1079-1095, 2003
Coupled electron-hole transport
U Sivan, PM Solomon, H Shtrikman
Physical review letters 68 (8), 1196, 1992
Device design considerations for double-gate, ground-plane, and single-gated ultra-thin SOI MOSFET's at the 25 nm channel length generation
HSP Wong, DJ Frank, PM Solomon
International Electron Devices Meeting 1998. Technical Digest (Cat. No …, 1998
Low resistance contacts including intermetallic alloy of nickel, platinum, titanium, aluminum and type IV semiconductor elements
J Bruley, JO Chu, KL Lee, AS Ozcan, PM Solomon, JB Yau
US Patent 10,269,714, 2019
Method for making bonded metal back-plane substrates
KK Chan, CP D'emic, EC Jones, PM Solomon, S Tiwari
US Patent 6,057,212, 2000
It’s time to reinvent the transistor!
TN Theis, PM Solomon
Science 327 (5973), 1600-1601, 2010
Sharp reduction of contact resistivities by effective Schottky barrier lowering with silicides as diffusion sources
Z Zhang, F Pagette, C D'emic, B Yang, C Lavoie, Y Zhu, M Hopstaken, ...
IEEE Electron Device Letters 31 (7), 731-733, 2010
Ultra thin body fully-depleted SOI MOSFETs
BB Doris, M Ieong, Z Ren, PM Solomon, M Yang
US Patent 7,459,752, 2008
In quest of the “next switch”: prospects for greatly reduced power dissipation in a successor to the silicon field-effect transistor
TN Theis, PM Solomon
Proceedings of the IEEE 98 (12), 2005-2014, 2010
A comparison of semiconductor devices for high-speed logic
PM Solomon
Proceedings of the IEEE 70 (5), 489-509, 1982
Comparison of raised and Schottky source/drain MOSFETs using a novel tunneling contact model
MK Ieong, PM Solomon, SE Laux, HSP Wong, D Chidambarrao
International Electron Devices Meeting 1998. Technical Digest (Cat. No …, 1998
New phenomena in coupled transport between 2D and 3D electron-gas layers
PM Solomon, PJ Price, DJ Frank, DC La Tulipe
Physical review letters 63 (22), 2508, 1989
Negative charge, barrier heights, and the conduction‐band discontinuity in AlxGa1−xAs capacitors
TW Hickmott, PM Solomon, R Fischer, H Morkoç
Journal of Applied Physics 57 (8), 2844-2853, 1985
Modulation-doped GaAs/AlGaAs heterojunction field-effect transistors (MODFET's), ultrahigh-speed device for supercomputers
PM Solomon, H Morkoc
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 31 (8), 1015-1027, 1984
Bipolar transistor design for optimized power-delay logic circuits
DD Tang, PM Solomon
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 14 (4), 679-684, 1979
Breakdown in silicon oxide− A review
P Solomon
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology 14 (5), 1122-1130, 1977
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Articles 1–20