Pratik Jawanpuria
Pratik Jawanpuria
Principal applied scientist, Microsoft India
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Cited by
Learning multilingual word embeddings in latent metric space: a geometric approach
P Jawanpuria, A Balgovind, A Kunchukuttan, B Mishra
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics 7, 107-120, 2019
Riemannian adaptive stochastic gradient algorithms on matrix manifolds
H Kasai, P Jawanpuria, B Mishra
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 3262-3271, 2019
McTorch, a manifold optimization library for deep learning
M Meghwanshi, P Jawanpuria, A Kunchukuttan, H Kasai, B Mishra
NeurIPS workshop on Machine Learning Open Source Software (MLOSS), 2018
A dual framework for low-rank tensor completion
M Nimishakavi, P Jawanpuria, B Mishra
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 2018
On Riemannian optimization over positive definite matrices with the Bures-Wasserstein geometry
A Han, B Mishra, PK Jawanpuria, J Gao
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34, 8940-8953, 2021
Efficient output kernel learning for multiple tasks
PK Jawanpuria, M Lapin, M Hein, B Schiele
Advances in neural information processing systems 28, 2015
A Riemannian gossip approach to subspace learning on Grassmann manifold
B Mishra, H Kasai, P Jawanpuria, A Saroop
Machine Learning 108, 1783-1803, 2019
A unified framework for structured low-rank matrix learning
P Jawanpuria, B Mishra
International Conference on Machine Learning, 2254-2263, 2018
On p-norm path following in multiple kernel learning for non-linear feature selection
P Jawanpuria, M Varma, S Nath
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML …, 2014
A Convex Feature Learning Formulation for Latent Task Structure Discovery
P Jawanpuria, JS Nath
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML-12), 2012
Generalized hierarchical kernel learning.
P Jawanpuria, JS Nath, G Ramakrishnan
J. Mach. Learn. Res. 16, 617-652, 2015
Efficient rule ensemble learning using hierarchical kernels
P Jawanpuria, JS Nath, G Ramakrishnan
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML …, 2011
Multi-task Multiple Kernel Learning
P Jawanpuria, JS Nath
SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM-11), 2011
Geometry-aware Domain Adaptation for Unsupervised Alignment of Word Embeddings
P Jawanpuria, M Meghwanshi, B Mishra
Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), 2020
Statistical Optimal Transport posed as Learning Kernel Embedding
SN Jagarlapudi, PK Jawanpuria
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33, 2020
Learning Geometric Word Meta-Embeddings
P Jawanpuria, NTV Dev, A Kunchukuttan, B Mishra
ACL Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP (RepL4NLP), 2020
Riemannian Hamiltonian methods for min-max optimization on manifolds
A Han, B Mishra, P Jawanpuria, P Kumar, J Gao
SIAM Journal on Optimization 33 (3), 1797-1827, 2023
Low-rank geometric mean metric learning
M Bhutani, P Jawanpuria, H Kasai, B Mishra
ICML workshop on Geometry in Machine Learning (GiMLi), 2018
SPOT: A framework for selection of prototypes using optimal transport
KS Gurumoorthy, P Jawanpuria, B Mishra
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases. Applied Data Science …, 2021
Efficient robust optimal transport with application to multi-label classification
P Jawanpuria, NTV Satyadev, B Mishra
2021 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 1490-1495, 2021
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Articles 1–20