Samrat Ganguly
Samrat Ganguly
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Interference-aware IEEE 802.16 WiMax mesh networks
HY Wei, S Ganguly, R Izmailov, ZJ Haas
2005 IEEE 61st Vehicular Technology Conference 5, 3102-3106, 2005
Using channel hopping to increase 802.11 resilience to jamming attacks
V Navda, A Bohra, S Ganguly, D Rubenstein
IEEE INFOCOM 2007-26th IEEE International Conference on Computer …, 2007
Distributed channel management in uncoordinated wireless environments
A Mishra, V Shrivastava, D Agrawal, S Banerjee, S Ganguly
Proceedings of the 12th annual international conference on Mobile computing …, 2006
A measurement-based approach to modeling link capacity in 802.11-based wireless networks
A Kashyap, S Ganguly, SR Das
Proceedings of the 13th annual ACM international conference on Mobile …, 2007
Performance optimizations for deploying voip services in mesh networks
S Ganguly, V Navda, K Kim, A Kashyap, D Niculescu, R Izmailov, S Hong, ...
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 24 (11), 2147-2158, 2006
Performance of VoIP in a 802.11 Wireless Mesh Network.
D Niculescu, S Ganguly, K Kim, R Izmailov
INFOCOM, 1-11, 2006
An economic framework for spectrum allocation and service pricing with competitive wireless service providers
S Sengupta, M Chatterjee, S Ganguly
2007 2nd IEEE International Symposium on New Frontiers in Dynamic Spectrum …, 2007
Wide area networked file system
H Zhang, A Bohra, S Ganguly, R Izmailov, J Liang
US Patent 7,840,618, 2010
Accelerated large data distribution in overlay networks
R Izmailov, S Ganguly, N Tu, A Varsou
US Patent App. 10/749,947, 2005
Improving quality of VoIP streams over WiMax
S Sengupta, M Chatterjee, S Ganguly
IEEE transactions on computers 57 (2), 145-156, 2008
Nonuniform waveband hierarchy in hybrid optical networks
R Izmailov, S Ganguly, V Kleptsyn, AC Varsou
IEEE INFOCOM 2003. Twenty-second Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE …, 2003
Hybrid hierarchical optical networks
R Izmailov, S Ganguly, T Wang, Y Suemura, Y Maeno, S Araki
IEEE Communications Magazine 40 (11), 88-94, 2002
Multi-Query Optimization of Window-Based Stream Queries
S Bhatnagar, S Ganguly, S Wang
US Patent App. 11/776,857, 2008
State-slice: New paradigm of multi-query optimization of window-based stream queries
S Wang, E Rundensteiner, S Ganguly, S Bhatnagar
Proceedings of the 32nd international conference on Very large data bases …, 2006
Method and Apparatus for Distributed Data Replication
S Ganguly, A Bohra, R Izmailov, Y Kikuchi
US Patent App. 11/275,764, 2007
Multipath routing architecture for large data transfers
R Kokku, A Bohra, S Ganguly, R Izmailov
US Patent 7,643,427, 2010
VoIP on wireless meshes: Models, algorithms and evaluation
A Kashyap, S Ganguly, SR Das, S Banerjee
IEEE INFOCOM 2007-26th IEEE International Conference on Computer …, 2007
Creating Multipoint-to-Point LSPs for traffic engineering
S Bhatnagar, S Ganguly, B Nath
Workshop on High Performance Switching and Routing, 2003, HPSR., 201-207, 2003
System and Method for Parallel Indirect Streaming of Stored Media from Multiple Sources
S Ganguly, S Bhatnagar, A Saxena, R Izmailov
US Patent App. 11/276,122, 2006
Fast replication in content distribution overlays
S Ganguly, A Saxena, S Bhatnagar, R Izmailov, S Banerjee
Proceedings IEEE 24th Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and …, 2005
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Articles 1–20