Saqib Mukhtar
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Cited by
Concentration and emissions of ammonia and particulate matter in tunnel–ventilated broiler houses under summer conditions in Texas
JS Redwine, RE Lacey, S Mukhtar, JB Carey
Transactions of the ASAE 45 (4), 1101, 2002
Carcass composting for management of farm mortalities: a review
A Kalbasi, S Mukhtar, SE Hawkins, BW Auvermann
Compost science & utilization 13 (3), 180-193, 2005
Excessive soil water effects at various stages of development on the growth and yield of corn
RS Kanwar, JL Baker, S Mukhtar
Transactions of the ASAE 31 (1), 133-0141, 1988
Fixed-bed gasification of feedlot manure and poultry litter biomass
S Priyadarsan, K Annamalai, JM Sweeten, S Mukhtar, MT Holtzapple
Transactions of the ASAE 47 (5), 1689-1696, 2004
Corn growth as affected by excess soil water
S Mukhtar, JL Baker, RS Kanwar
Transactions of the ASAE 33 (2), 437-0442, 1990
Soil and corn response to tillage with paraplow
DC Erbach, JG Benjamin, RM Cruse, MA Elamin, S Mukhtar, CH Choi
Transactions of the ASAE 35 (5), 1347-1354, 1992
A review of literature concerning odors, ammonia, and dust from broiler production facilities: 4. Remedial management practices
JL Ullman, S Mukhtar, RE Lacey, JB Carey
Journal of applied poultry research 13 (3), 521-531, 2004
Co-gasification of blended coal with feedlot and chicken litter biomass
S Priyadarsan, K Annamalai, JM Sweeten, MT Holtzapple, S Mukhtar
Proceedings of the combustion institute 30 (2), 2973-2980, 2005
A review of literature concerning odors, ammonia, and dust from broiler production facilities: 2. Flock and house management factors
JB Carey, RE Lacey, S Mukhtar
Journal of Applied Poultry Research 13 (3), 509-513, 2004
Soil water infiltration as affected by the use of the paraplow
S Mukhtar, JL Baker, R Horton, DC Erbach
Transactions of the ASAE 28 (6), 1811-1816, 1985
A review of literature concerning odors, ammonia, and dust from broiler production facilities: 1. Odor concentrations and emissions
RE Lacey, S Mukhtar, JB Carey, JL Ullman
Journal of Applied Poultry Research 13 (3), 500-508, 2004
Greenhouse gas emissions from ground level area sources in dairy and cattle feedyard operations
MS Borhan, SC Capareda, S Mukhtar, WB Faulkner, R McGee, ...
Atmosphere 2 (3), 303-329, 2011
Seasonal and spatial variations of ammonia emissions from an open-lot dairy operation
S Mukhtar, A Mutlu, SC Capareda, CB Parnell
Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 58 (3), 369-376, 2008
Analysis of the HSPF water quality parameter uncertainty in predicting peak in-stream fecal coliform concentrations
S Paul, PK Haan, MD Matlock, S Mukhtar, SD Pillai
Transactions of the ASAE 47 (1), 69-78, 2004
Greenhouse gas emissions from housing and manure management systems at confined livestock operations
MS Borhan, S Mukhtar, S Capareda, S Rahman, LFM Rebellon
Waste management—an integrated vision. Rijeka (Croatia): InTech, 259-296, 2012
Assessment of ammonia adsorption onto Teflon and LDPE tubing used in pollutant stream conveyance
S Mukhtar, A Rose, S Capareda, C Boriack, R Lacey, B Shaw, C Parnell
International Commission of Agricultural Engineering, 2003
Hydrophobic membrane technology for ammonia extraction from wastewaters
A Kunz, S Mukhtar
Engenharia Agrícola 36, 377-386, 2016
A review of practices and technologies forodor control in swine production facilities
Z Liu, W Powers, S Mukhtar
Applied Engineering in Agriculture 30 (3), 477-492, 2014
A low maintenance approach to large carcass composting
S Mukhtar, BW Auvermann, K Heflin, CN Boriack
2003 ASAE Annual Meeting, 1, 2003
Removing ammonia from air with a constant pH, slightly acidic water spray wet scrubber using recycled scrubbing solution
AK Ashtari, AMS Majd, GL Riskowski, S Mukhtar, L Zhao
Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 10, 1-10, 2016
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Articles 1–20