Allan L. Carroll
Allan L. Carroll
Profesor of Forest Entomology, University of British Columbia
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Mountain pine beetle and forest carbon feedback to climate change
WA Kurz, CC Dymond, G Stinson, GJ Rampley, ET Neilson, AL Carroll, ...
Nature 452 (7190), 987-990, 2008
Cross-scale drivers of natural disturbances prone to anthropogenic amplification: the dynamics of bark beetle eruptions
KF Raffa, BH Aukema, BJ Bentz, AL Carroll, JA Hicke, MG Turner, ...
Bioscience 58 (6), 501-517, 2008
Effect of climate change on range expansion by the mountain pine beetle in British Columbia
SW Taylor, L Safanyik
Mountain Pine Beetle Symposium: Challenges and Solutions; Canadian Forest …, 2003
The biology and epidemiology of the mountain pine beetle in lodgepole pine forests.
L Safranyik, AL Carroll
Potential for range expansion of mountain pine beetle into the boreal forest of North America
L Safranyik, AL Carroll, J Régnière, DW Langor, WG Riel, TL Shore, ...
The Canadian Entomologist 142 (5), 415-442, 2010
Surveying mountain pine beetle damage of forests: A review of remote sensing opportunities
MA Wulder, CC Dymond, JC White, DG Leckie, AL Carroll
Forest Ecology and management 221 (1-3), 27-41, 2006
Efficacy of tree defense physiology varies with bark beetle population density: a basis for positive feedback in eruptive species
CK Boone, BH Aukema, J Bohlmann, AL Carroll, KF Raffa
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 41 (6), 1174-1188, 2011
Climate drivers of bark beetle outbreak dynamics in Norway spruce forests
M Marini, L., Okland, B., Jönsson, A.M., Bentz, B., Carroll, A.L., Forster ...
Ecography 40, 1-10, 2017
Climate change and range expansion of an aggressive bark beetle: evidence of higher beetle reproduction in naïve host tree populations
TJ Cudmore, N Björklund, AL Carroll, B Staffan Lindgren
Journal of Applied Ecology 47 (5), 1036-1043, 2010
Landscape level analysis of mountain pine beetle in British Columbia, Canada: spatiotemporal development and spatial synchrony within the present outbreak
BH Aukema, AL Carroll, J Zhu, KF Raffa, TA Sickley, SW Taylor
Ecography 29 (3), 427-441, 2006
Disturbance, forest age, and mountain pine beetle outbreak dynamics in BC: A historical perspective
SW Taylor, AL Carroll
Mountain pine beetle symposium: Challenges and solutions 3031, 2003
Movement of outbreak populations of mountain pine beetle: influences of spatiotemporal patterns and climate
BH Aukema, AL Carroll, Y Zheng, J Zhu, KF Raffa, R Dan Moore, K Stahl, ...
Ecography 31 (3), 348-358, 2008
Forest, climate and mountain pine beetle outbreak dynamics in western Canada
SW Taylor, AL Carroll, RI Alfaro, L Safranyik
The mountain pine beetle: A synthesis of biology, management, and impacts on …, 2006
Bark beetle outbreaks in western North America: Causes and consequences
B Bentz, J Logan, J MacMahon, CD Allen, M Ayres, E Berg, A Carroll, ...
Bark Beetle Symposium; Snowbird, Utah; November, 2005. Salt Lake City, UT …, 2009
Climate change could alter the distribution of mountain pine beetle outbreaks in western Canada
KR Sambaraju, AL Carroll, J Zhu, K Stahl, RD Moore, BH Aukema
Ecography 35 (3), 211-223, 2012
Mountain pine beetle red-attack forest damage classification using stratified Landsat TM data in British Columbia, Canada
SE Franklin, MA Wulder, RS Skakun, AL Carroll
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 69 (3), 283-288, 2003
Breach of the northern Rocky Mountain geoclimatic barrier: initiation of range expansion by the mountain pine beetle
HMC de la Giroday, AL Carroll, BH Aukema
Journal of Biogeography 39 (6), 1112-1123, 2012
Defoliation of interior Douglas-fir elicits carbon transfer and stress signalling to ponderosa pine neighbors through ectomycorrhizal networks
YY Song, SW Simard, A Carroll, WW Mohn, RS Zeng
Scientific reports 5 (1), 8495, 2015
Elevated numbers of flying insects and insectivorous birds in riparian buffer strips
DM Whitaker, AL Carroll, WA Montevecchi
Canadian journal of zoology 78 (5), 740-747, 2000
Impacts of climate change on range expansion by the mountain pine beetle
Pacific Forestry Centre, AL Carroll
Pacific Forestry Centre, 2006
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Articles 1–20