Pankaj Dayama
Pankaj Dayama
IBM Research, India
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Cited by
Auction-based mechanisms for electronic procurement
TS Chandrashekar, Y Narahari, CH Rosa, DM Kulkarni, JD Tew, ...
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 4 (3), 297-321, 2007
Combinatorial auctions for electronic business
Y Narahari, P Dayama
Sadhana 30, 179-211, 2005
Optimal control of information epidemics
A Karnik, P Dayama
2012 Fourth International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks …, 2012
Change point detection for compositional multivariate data
P KJ, N Singh, P Dayama, A Agarwal, V Pandit
Applied Intelligence 52 (2), 1930-1955, 2022
Enabling privacy and traceability in supply chains using blockchain and zero knowledge proofs
S Sahai, N Singh, P Dayama
2020 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain (Blockchain), 134-143, 2020
Optimal incentive timing strategies for product marketing on social networks.
P Dayama, A Karnik, Y Narahari
AAMAS, 703-710, 2012
Mechanism design for time critical and cost critical task execution via crowdsourcing
S Nath, P Dayama, D Garg, Y Narahari, J Zou
Internet and Network Economics: 8th International Workshop, WINE 2012 …, 2012
Design of trusted B2B market platforms using permissioned blockchains and game theory
S Narang, M Byali, P Dayama, V Pandit, Y Narahari
2019 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (ICBC …, 2019
Cognitive commuter assistant
SRK Penubothula, LK Namboodiri, PK Jayachandran, HG Ramaswamy, ...
US Patent 11,423,280, 2022
Dynamic transportation pooling
P Dayama, V Ekambaram, LK Namboodiri, VD Pandit, S Penubothula
US Patent 10,885,472, 2021
How to prove any NP statement jointly? Efficient Distributed-prover Zero-Knowledge Protocols
P Dayama, A Patra, P Paul, N Singh, D Vinayagamurthy
Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies, 2022
Risk averse reinforcement learning for mixed multi-agent environments
DSK Reddy, A Saha, SG Tamilselvam, P Agrawal, P Dayama
Proceedings of the 18th international conference on autonomous agents and …, 2019
Truthful interval cover mechanisms for crowdsourcing applications
P Dayama, B Narayanaswamy, D Garg, Y Narahari
Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and …, 2015
Mandi electronic exchange: Orchestrating Indian agricultural markets for maximizing social welfare
N Viswanadham, S Chidananda, Y Narahari, P Dayama
2012 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering …, 2012
Zero knowledge proofs towards verifiable decentralized ai pipelines
N Singh, P Dayama, V Pandit
International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security, 248-275, 2022
Anonymous database rating update
R Saket, PS Dayama, N Singh
US Patent 11,734,259, 2023
Document validation
N Singh, PS Dayama, V Pandit, K Sampath
US Patent 11,223,475, 2022
Dynamic pricing of application programming interface services
V Ekambaram, N Gupta, PS Dayama
US Patent 10,929,899, 2021
Predicting the dengue incidence in Singapore using univariate time series models
P Dayama, S Kameshwaran
AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings 2013, 285, 2013
TTMs: Fast Multi-level Tiny Time Mixers for Improved Zero-shot and Few-shot Forecasting of Multivariate Time Series
V Ekambaram, A Jati, NH Nguyen, P Dayama, C Reddy, WM Gifford, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.03955, 2024
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Articles 1–20