Christian Stier
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Cited by
Modeling and extracting load intensity profiles
JV Kistowski, N Herbst, S Kounev, H Groenda, C Stier, S Lehrig
ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems (TAAS) 11 (4), 1-28, 2017
Model-based energy efficiency analysis of software architectures
C Stier, A Koziolek, H Groenda, R Reussner
Software Architecture: 9th European Conference, ECSA 2015, Dubrovnik/Cavtat …, 2015
An expandable extraction framework for architectural performance models
J Walter, C Stier, H Koziolek, S Kounev
Proceedings of the 8th ACM/SPEC on International Conference on Performance …, 2017
The CACTOS vision of context-aware cloud topology optimization and simulation
PO Östberg, H Groenda, S Wesner, J Byrne, DS Nikolopoulos, ...
2014 IEEE 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and …, 2014
Improving accuracy and robustness of self-tuning histograms by subspace clustering
A Khachatryan, E Muller, C Stier, K Bohm
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge & Data Engineering 27 (9), 2377-2389, 2015
Towards Modeling and Analysis of Power Consumption of Self-Adaptive Software Systems in Palladio.
C Stier, H Groenda, A Koziolek
SoSP, 28-45, 2014
Considering transient effects of self-adaptations in model-driven performance analyses
C Stier, A Koziolek
2016 12th International ACM SIGSOFT Conference on Quality of Software …, 2016
Improving IaaS cloud analyses by black-box resource demand modeling
H Groenda, C Stier
Softwaretechnik-Trends Band 35, Heft 3, 2015
Model-driven consistency preservation in automationml
S Ananieva, E Burger, C Stier
2018 IEEE 14th International Conference on Automation Science and …, 2018
Towards automated data-driven model creation for cloud computing simulation
S Svorobej, J Byrne, P Liston, PJ Byrne, C Stier, H Groenda, ...
EAI Endorsed Transactions on Cloud Systems 2 (5), e1-e1, 2016
Adaptation-aware architecture modeling and analysis of energy efficiency for software systems
C Stier
Dissertation, Karlsruhe, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), 2018, 2019
Ensuring model continuity when simulating self-adaptive software systems
C Stier, H Groenda
Proceedings of the Modeling and Simulation of Complexity in Intelligent …, 2016
Analysis of geometrical deviations in clutch systems and their Interdependencies in relation to the excitation of judder vibrations
A Albers, C Stier
Proc of Fisita World Automot Congr, Budapest, 2010
Sensitivity of self-tuning histograms: query order affecting accuracy and robustness
A Khachatryan, E Müller, C Stier, K Böhm
Scientific and Statistical Database Management: 24th International …, 2012
Modelling database lock-contention in architecture-level performance simulation
P Merkle, C Stier
Proceedings of the 5th ACM/SPEC international conference on Performance …, 2014
Rapid Testing of IaaS Resource Management Algorithms via Cloud Middleware Simulation
C Stier, J Domaschka, A Koziolek, S Krach, J Krzywda, R Reussner
Proceedings of the 2018 ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance …, 2018
Validation of Vehicle Drive Systems with Real-Time Simulation on High-Dynamic Test Benches
A Albers, M Geier, S Jäger, C Stier, M Behrendt
ASME Verification and Validation Symposium: V&V2013; May 22-24, 2013, Las …, 2013
Model integration method and supporting tooling: project deliverable D5. 1
H Groenda, C Stier, J Krzywda, J Byrne, S Svorobej, Z Papazachos, ...
Universität Ulm, 2017
Validation goals and metrics: project deliverable D7. 3.2
C Hauser, J Domaschka, D Whigham, M Ahir, H Groenda, C Stier, ...
Universität Ulm, 2017
Prototype optimisation model: project deliverable D3. 1
J Krzywda, A Ali-Eldin, PO Östberg, H Groenda, C Stier
Universität Ulm, 2017
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Articles 1–20