Gautam Ray
Gautam Ray
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Capabilities, business processes, and competitive advantage: choosing the dependent variable in empirical tests of the resource‐based view
G Ray, JB Barney, WA Muhanna
Strategic management journal 25 (1), 23-37, 2004
Information technology and the performance of the customer service process: A resource-based analysis
G Ray, WA Muhanna, JB Barney
MIS quarterly, 625-652, 2005
Efficiency or innovation: How do industry environments moderate the effects of firms' IT asset portfolios?
L Xue, G Ray, V Sambamurthy
MIS quarterly, 509-528, 2012
Estimating the impact of “humanizing” customer service chatbots
S Schanke, G Burtch, G Ray
Information Systems Research 32 (3), 736-751, 2021
Impact of information technology infrastructure flexibility on mergers and acquisitions
J Benitez, G Ray, J Henseler
MIS quarterly 42 (1), 25-A12, 2018
Environmental uncertainty and IT infrastructure governance: A curvilinear relationship
L Xue, G Ray, B Gu
Information Systems Research 22 (2), 389-399, 2011
Implications of reduced search cost and free riding in e-commerce
D Wu, G Ray, X Geng, A Whinston
Marketing Science 23 (2), 255-262, 2004
Impact of information technology capital on firm scope and performance: The role of asset characteristics
G Ray, L Xue, JB Barney
Academy of Management journal 56 (4), 1125-1147, 2013
Competing with IT: The role of shared IT-business understanding
G Ray, WA Muhanna, JB Barney
Communications of the ACM 50 (12), 87-91, 2007
Competitive environment and the relationship between IT and vertical integration
G Ray, D Wu, P Konana
Information Systems Research 20 (4), 585-603, 2009
Search and collusion in electronic markets
C Campbell, G Ray, WA Muhanna
Management Science 51 (3), 497-507, 2005
The impact of supply-side electronic integration on customer service performance
L Xue, G Ray, V Sambamurthy
Journal of Operations management 31 (6), 363-375, 2013
IT governance and IT investment performance: An empirical analysis
B Gu, L Xue, G Ray
Available at SSRN 1145102, 2008
Introducing IT-enabled business flexibility and IT integration in the acquirer’s M&A performance equation
J Benitez-Amado, G Ray
The interaction between knowledge codification and knowledge-sharing networks
D Liu, G Ray, AB Whinston
Information Systems Research 21 (4), 892-906, 2010
Research Note—IT Outsourcing and the Impact of Advisors on Clients and Vendors
R Bapna, A Gupta, G Ray, S Singh
Information Systems Research 27 (3), 636-647, 2016
Commitment to IT investment plans: The interplay of real earnings, management, IT decentralization, and corporate governance.
L Xue, S Mithas, G Ray
Mis Quarterly 45 (1), 2021
The magazine archive includes every article published in Communications of the ACM for over the past 50 years.
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Communications of the ACM 44 (6), 15-20, 2001
Managerial incentives and IT strategic posture
L Xue, G Ray, X Zhao
Information Systems Research 28 (1), 180-198, 2017
Strategic investment in switching cost: An integrated customer acquisition and retention perspective
L Xue, G Ray, AB Whinston
International Journal of Electronic Commerce 11 (1), 7-35, 2006
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