Yiping Duan
Yiping Duan
Tsinghua University, Xidian Univerisity
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SAR image segmentation based on convolutional-wavelet neural network and Markov random field
Y Duan, F Liu, L Jiao, P Zhao, L Zhang
Pattern Recognition 64, 255-267, 2017
Deep coupled feedback network for joint exposure fusion and image super-resolution
X Deng, Y Zhang, M Xu, S Gu, Y Duan
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 30, 3098-3112, 2021
Learning QoE of mobile video transmission with deep neural network: A data-driven approach
X Tao, Y Duan, M Xu, Z Meng, J Lu
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 37 (6), 1337-1348, 2019
Interpretable multi-modal image registration network based on disentangled convolutional sparse coding
X Deng, E Liu, S Li, Y Duan, M Xu
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 32, 1078-1091, 2023
Dense convolutional networks for semantic segmentation
C Han, Y Duan, X Tao, J Lu
IEEE Access 7, 43369-43382, 2019
fmri brain decoding and its applications in brain–computer interface: A survey
B Du, X Cheng, Y Duan, H Ning
Brain Sciences 12 (2), 228, 2022
Hierarchical objectness network for region proposal generation and object detection
J Wang, X Tao, M Xu, Y Duan, J Lu
Pattern Recognition 83, 260-272, 2018
Generative model based highly efficient semantic communication approach for image transmission
T Han, J Tang, Q Yang, Y Duan, Z Zhang, Z Shi
ICASSP 2023-2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2023
Saliency prediction on omnidirectional image with generative adversarial imitation learning
M Xu, L Yang, X Tao, Y Duan, Z Wang
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 30, 2087-2102, 2021
SAR image segmentation based on hierarchical visual semantic and adaptive neighborhood multinomial latent model
F Liu, Y Duan, L Li, L Jiao, J Wu, S Yang, X Zhang, J Yuan
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 54 (7), 4287-4301, 2016
Semantic perceptual image compression with a Laplacian pyramid of convolutional networks
J Wang, Y Duan, X Tao, M Xu, J Lu
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 30, 4225-4237, 2021
EEG-based maritime object detection for IoT-driven surveillance systems in smart ocean
Y Duan, Z Li, X Tao, Q Li, S Hu, J Lu
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 7 (10), 9678-9687, 2020
PolSAR image classification based on multi-scale stacked sparse autoencoder
L Zhang, L Jiao, W Ma, Y Duan, D Zhang
Neurocomputing 351, 167-179, 2019
Saliency-guided complexity control for HEVC decoding
R Yang, M Xu, Z Wang, Y Duan, X Tao
IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting 64 (4), 865-882, 2018
Learning interpolation via regional map for pan-sharpening
C Shi, F Liu, L Li, L Jiao, Y Duan, S Wang
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 53 (6), 3417-3431, 2014
Panoramic image generation: from 2-D sketch to spherical image
Y Duan, C Han, X Tao, B Geng, Y Du, J Lu
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 14 (1), 194-208, 2020
GAN-NL: Unsupervised representation learning for remote sensing image classification
Y Duan, X Tao, M Xu, C Han, J Lu
2018 IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP …, 2018
Toward variable-rate generative compression by reducing the channel redundancy
C Han, Y Duan, X Tao, M Xu, J Lu
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 30 (7), 1789-1802, 2020
Multi-scale convolutional neural network for SAR image semantic segmentation
Y Duan, X Tao, C Han, X Qin, J Lu
2018 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 1-6, 2018
Adaptive hierarchical multinomial latent model with hybrid kernel function for SAR image semantic segmentation
Y Duan, F Liu, L Jiao, X Tao, J Wu, C Shi, MO Wimmers
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 56 (10), 5997-6015, 2018
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Articles 1–20