Niclas Berggren
Niclas Berggren
Associate Professor of Economics, IFN and VŠE v Praze
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
The benefits of economic freedom: a survey
N Berggren
The independent review 8 (2), 193-211, 2003
Free to trust: Economic freedom and social capital
N Berggren, H Jordahl
Kyklos 59 (2), 141-169, 2006
The looks of a winner: Beauty and electoral success
N Berggren, H Jordahl, P Poutvaara
Journal of public economics 94 (1-2), 8-15, 2010
Economic freedom and equality: Friends or foes?
N Berggren
Public choice 100, 203-223, 1999
Is the importance of religion in daily life related to social trust? Cross-country and cross-state comparisons
N Berggren, C Bjørnskov
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 80 (3), 459-480, 2011
Trust and growth: a shaky relationship
N Berggren, M Elinder, H Jordahl
Empirical Economics 35, 251-274, 2008
Faces of politicians: Babyfacedness predicts inferred competence but not electoral success
P Poutvaara, H Jordahl, N Berggren
Journal of experimental social psychology 45 (5), 1132-1135, 2009
Does free trade really reduce growth? Further testing using the economic freedom index
N Berggren, H Jordahl
Public Choice 122 (1), 99-114, 2005
Does economic freedom foster tolerance?
N Berggren, T Nilsson
Kyklos 66 (2), 177-207, 2013
The right look: Conservative politicians look better and voters reward it
N Berggren, H Jordahl, P Poutvaara
Journal of Public Economics 146, 79-86, 2017
Globalization and the transmission of social values: The case of tolerance
N Berggren, T Nilsson
Journal of Comparative Economics 43 (2), 371-389, 2015
Is tolerance good or bad for growth?
N Berggren, M Elinder
Public choice 150 (1), 283-308, 2012
The growth effects of institutional instability
N Berggren, A Bergh, C Bjørnskov
Journal of Institutional Economics 8 (2), 187-224, 2012
Time for behavioral political economy? An analysis of articles in behavioral economics
N Berggren
The Review of Austrian Economics 25, 199-221, 2012
Tolerance in the United States: Does economic freedom transform racial, religious, political and sexual attitudes?
N Berggren, T Nilsson
European Journal of Political Economy 45, 53-70, 2016
Does religiosity promote property rights and the rule of law?
N Berggren, C Bjørnskov
Journal of Institutional Economics 9 (2), 161-185, 2013
Social trust and central-bank independence
N Berggren, SO Daunfeldt, J Hellström
European Journal of Political Economy 34, 425-439, 2014
The political opinions of Swedish social scientists
N Berggren, H Jordahl, C Stern
Finnish Economic Papers 22 (2), 75-88, 2009
The market‐promoting and market‐preserving role of social trust in reforms of policies and institutions
N Berggren, C Bjørnskov
Southern Economic Journal 84 (1), 3-25, 2017
Rhetoric or reality? An economic analysis of the effects of religion in Sweden
N Berggren
The Journal of socio-economics 26 (6), 571-596, 1997
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مقالات 1–20