Dina Hussein
Dina Hussein
Research Engineer & Solution Architect
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Cited by
The cluster between internet of things and social networks: Review and research challenges
AM Ortiz, D Hussein, S Park, SN Han, N Crespi
IEEE internet of things journal 1 (3), 206-215, 2014
A Community-driven Access Control Approach in Distributed IoT Environments
EBVF D. Hussein
IEEE Communications Magazine 55 (3), 146-153, 2017
Exploitation of social IoT for recommendation services
Y Saleem, N Crespi, MH Rehmani, R Copeland, D Hussein, E Bertin
2016 IEEE 3rd World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT), 359-364, 2016
Towards a dynamic discovery of smart services in the social internet of things
Dina Hussein, Son N. Han, Gyu Myoung Lee, Noel Crespi, Emmanuel Bertin
Computers and Electrical Engineering, 2017
Access control in the Internet of Things: a survey of existing approaches and open research questions
E Bertin, D Hussein, C Sengul, V Frey
Annals of telecommunications 74, 375-388, 2019
Dynamic social structure of things: A contextual approach in CPSS
D Hussein, S Park, SN Han, N Crespi
IEEE Internet Computing 19 (3), 12-20, 2015
A semantic service creation platform for social IoT
V Beltran, AM Ortiz, D Hussein, N Crespi
2014 IEEE World forum on internet of things (WF-IoT), 283-286, 2014
Adaptive energy management for self-sustainable wearables in mobile health
D Hussein, G Bhat, JR Doppa
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 36 (11), 11935 …, 2022
Social Cloud-based Cognitive Reasoning for Task-oriented Recommendation in the Social Internet of Things
D Hussein, SN Han, GM Lee, N Crespi
IEEE Cloud Computing 2 (6), 10 - 19, 2015
Access control in IoT: From requirements to a candidate vision
D Hussein, E Bertin, V Frey
2017 20th Conference on Innovations in Clouds, Internet and Networks (ICIN …, 2017
A Social Internet of Things Application Architecture - Applying Semantic Web Technologies for Achieving Interoperability and Automation between the Cyber, Physical and Social …
D Hussein
Institut Mines Telecom, Telecom SudParis, 2016
Reliable machine learning for wearable activity monitoring: Novel algorithms and theoretical guarantees
D Hussein, T Belkhouja, G Bhat, JR Doppa
Proceedings of the 41st IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided …, 2022
A cognitive context-aware approach for adaptives services provisioning in Social Internet of Things
D Hussein, S Park, N Crespi
2015 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), 192-193, 2015
Robust human activity recognition using generative adversarial imputation networks
D Hussein, A Jain, G Bhat
2022 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 84-87, 2022
A framework for social device networking
D Hussein, SN Han, X Han, GM Lee, N Crespi
2013 IEEE international conference on distributed computing in sensor …, 2013
Sensorgan: A novel data recovery approach for wearable human activity recognition
D Hussein, G Bhat
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems 23 (3), 1-28, 2024
CIM: A Novel Clustering-based Energy-Efficient Data Imputation Method for Human Activity Recognition
D Hussein, G Bhat
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems 22 (5s), 1-26, 2023
Towards usage-centered design patterns for social networking systems
D Hussein, G Alaa, A Hamad
Future Information Technology: 6th International Conference, FutureTech 2011 …, 2011
Web 2.0 based service-oriented e-learning systems: recurrent design and architectural patterns
D Hussein, G Alaa, A Hamad
2010 11th ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial …, 2010
Classifying Web 2.0 supported applications by pattern of usage: Functional & technical ISSUES
D Hussein, A Ghada, A Hamad
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Articles 1–20