Ingo Pill
Ingo Pill
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Formal analysis of hardware requirements
I Pill, S Semprini, R Cavada, M Roveri, R Bloem, A Cimatti
Proceedings of the 43rd annual Design Automation Conference, 821-826, 2006
AALpy: an active automata learning library
E Muškardin, BK Aichernig, I Pill, A Pferscher, M Tappler
Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering 18 (3), 417-426, 2022
The route to success—a performance comparison of diagnosis algorithms
I Nica, I Pill, T Quaritsch, F Wotawa
Twenty-Third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2013
Behavioral diagnosis of LTL specifications at operator level
I Pill, T Quaritsch
Twenty-Third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2013
Optimizations for the boolean approach to computing minimal hitting sets
I Pill, T Quaritsch
ECAI 2012, 648-653, 2012
RAT: A Tool for the Formal Analysis of Requirements: (Tool Paper)
R Bloem, R Cavada, I Pill, M Roveri, A Tchaltsev
Computer Aided Verification: 19th International Conference, CAV 2007, Berlin …, 2007
Belief management for high-level robot programs
S Gspandl, I Pill, M Reip, G Steinbauer, A Ferrein
Twenty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2011
Simultate: A toolset for fault injection and mutation testing of simulink models
I Pill, I Rubil, F Wotawa, M Nica
2016 IEEE Ninth International Conference on Software Testing, Verification …, 2016
Automata construction algorithms optimized for PSL
S Ben-David, R Bloem, D Fisman, A Griesmayer, I Pill, S Ruah
Property-Based System Design (PROSYD), Deliverable 3.2 4, 2005
From conflicts to diagnoses: An empirical evaluation of minimal hitting set algorithms
I Pill, T Quaritsch, F Wotawa
22nd Int. Workshop on the Principles of Diagnosis, 203-210, 2011
RC-Tree: A variant avoiding all the redundancy in Reiter's minimal hitting set algorithm
I Pill, T Quaritsch
2015 IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering …, 2015
Symbolic implementation of alternating automata
R Bloem, A Cimatti, I Pill, M Roveri, S Semprini
Implementation and Application of Automata: 11th International Conference …, 2006
Pymbd: A library of mbd algorithms and a light-weight evaluation platform
T Quaritsch, I Pill
Proceedings of Dx-2014, 2014
Functional SOA testing based on constraints
S Jehan, I Pill, F Wotawa
2013 8th International Workshop on Automation of Software Test (AST), 33-39, 2013
Synthesizing adaptive test strategies from temporal logic specifications
R Bloem, G Fey, F Greif, R Könighofer, I Pill, H Riener, F Röck
Formal methods in system design 55, 103-135, 2019
Learning finite state models from recurrent neural networks
E Muškardin, BK Aichernig, I Pill, M Tappler
International Conference on Integrated Formal Methods, 229-248, 2022
Active model learning of stochastic reactive systems
M Tappler, E Muškardin, BK Aichernig, I Pill
International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods, 481-500, 2021
Efficient model-based diagnosis of sequential circuits
A Feldman, I Pill, F Wotawa, I Matei, J De Kleer
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 34 (03), 2814-2821, 2020
Automated generation of (F) LTL oracles for testing and debugging
I Pill, F Wotawa
Journal of Systems and Software 139, 124-141, 2018
Symbolic Implementation of Alternating Automata.
R Bloem, A Cimatti, I Pill, M Roveri
International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 18 (4), 2007
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Articles 1–20