Juan Manuel Dodero
Juan Manuel Dodero
Full Professor, Universidad de Cádiz. INDESS Research Institute
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Cited by
Augmented reality mobile app development for all
JM Mota, I Ruiz Rube, JM Dodero, I Arnedillo-Sánchez
Computers & Electrical Engineering 65 (1), 250-260, 2018
Motivation, students’ needs and learning outcomes: a hybrid game-based app for enhanced language learning
A Berns, JL Isla-Montes, M Palomo-Duarte, JM Dodero
SpringerPlus 5 (1), 1305, 2016
Skill assessment in learning experiences based on serious games: A systematic mapping study
M Caballero-Hernández, Juan-Antonio, Palomo-Duarte, JM Dodero
Computers & Education 113, 42-60, 2017
Assessing foreign language learning through mobile game-based learning environments
M Palomo-Duarte, A Berns, A Cejas, JM Dodero, JA Caballero, ...
International Journal of Human Capital and Information Technology …, 2016
Development of E-Learning Solutions: Different Approaches, a Common Mission
JM Dodero, FJ García-Peñalvo, C González, P Moreno-Ger, MA Redondo, ...
IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologías del Aprendizaje 9 (2), 72-80, 2014
Exploring the potential of a 360° video application for foreign language learning
A Berns, JM Mota, I Ruiz-Rube, JM Dodero
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Technological …, 2018
An experience on students' participation in blended vs. online styles of learning
JM Dodero, C Fernández, D Sanz
ACM SIGCSE Bulletin 35 (4), 39-42, 2003
Using a 3D Online Game to Assess Students’ Foreign Language Acquisition and Communicative Competence
A Berns, M Palomo-Duarte, JM Dodero, C Valero-Franco
EC-TEL, 19-31, 2013
An extensible approach to visually editing adaptive learning activities and designs based on services
JM Dodero, Á Martínez del Val, J Torres
Journal of Visual Languages & Computing 21 (6), 332-346, 2010
Uses and applications of Software & Systems Process Engineering Meta‐Model process models. A systematic mapping study
I Ruiz‐Rube, JM Dodero, M Palomo‐Duarte, M Ruiz, D Gawn
Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, 2013
ReST-based web access to learning design services
JM Dodero, E Ghiglione
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies 1 (3), 190-195, 2008
Assessment of collaborative learning experiences by graphical analysis of wiki contributions
M Palomo-Duarte, JM Dodero, I Medina-Bulo, EJ Rodríguez-Posada, ...
Interactive Learning Environments, 2012
Cultural heritage and the semantic web
VR Benjamins, J Contreras, M Blázquez, JM Dodero, A Garcia, E Navas, ...
The Semantic Web: Research and Applications, 433-444, 2004
A framework for the conceptualization of approaches to “Create-by-Reuse” of learning design solutions
D Hernández-Leo, A Harrer, JM Dodero, JI Asensio-Pérez, D Burgos
Journal of Universal Computer Science 13 (7), 991-1001, 2007
Metrics-based evaluation of learning object reusability
J Sanz-Rodriguez, JM Dodero, S Sanchez-Alonso
Software Quality Journal 19 (1), 121-140, 2011
Crosscutting runtime adaptations of LD execution
T Zarraonandia, JM Dodero, C Fernández
Journal of Educational Technology and Society 9 (1), 123, 2006
Ranking Learning Objects through Integration of Different Quality Indicators
J Sanz-Rodríguez, JM Dodero, S Sánchez-Alonso
Learning Technologies, IEEE Transactions on 3 (4), 358-363, 2010
A Study on the Suitability of Visual Languages for Non-Expert Robot Programmers
JM Rodríguez-Corral, I Ruiz-Rube, A Civit-Balcells, JM Mota-Macías, ...
IEEE Access 7, 17535-17550, 2019
Scalability of assessments of wiki-based learning experiences in higher education
M Palomo-Duarte, JM Dodero, A García-Domínguez, P Neira-Ayuso, ...
Computers in Human Behavior 31, 638-650, 2014
Trade-off between interoperability and data collection performance when designing an architecture for learning analytics
JM Dodero, EJ González-Conejero, G Gutiérrez-Herrera, S Peinado, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems 68, 31-37, 2017
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Articles 1–20