Beth Kolko
Beth Kolko
Professor of Human Centered Design & Engineering, University of Washington
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Race in cyberspace
B Kolko, L Nakamura, G Rodman
Routledge, 2013
Dissolution and fragmentation: Problems in on-line communities
B Kolko, E Reid
Cybersociety 2, 212-229, 1998
Erasing@ race: Going white in the (inter) face
BE Kolko
Race in cyberspace, 213-32, 2000
Representing bodies in virtual space: The rhetoric of avatar design
BE Kolko
The information society 15 (3), 177-186, 1999
Resistance to globalization: Language and Internet diffusion patterns in Uzbekistan
CY Wei, BE Kolko
New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia 11 (2), 205-220, 2005
Building a transportation information system using only GPS and basic SMS infrastructure
RE Anderson, A Poon, C Lustig, W Brunette, G Borriello, BE Kolko
2009 international conference on information and communication technologies …, 2009
Communication as information-seeking: the case for mobile social software for developing regions
BE Kolko, EJ Rose, EJ Johnson
Proceedings of the 16th international conference on World Wide Web, 863-872, 2007
Studying mobile phone use in context: Cultural, political, and economic dimensions of mobile phone use
C Wei, BE Kolko
IPCC 2005. Proceedings. International Professional Communication Conference …, 2005
Localization of digital games: The process of blending for the global games market
A Thayer, BE Kolko
Technical communication 51 (4), 477-488, 2004
Adapting user-centered design methods to design for diverse populations.
C Putnam, E Rose, EJ Johnson, B Kolko
Information Technologies & International Development 5 (4), 2009
Research at the margin: participatory design and community based participatory research
R Racadio, EJ Rose, BE Kolko
Proceedings of the 13th Participatory Design Conference: Short Papers …, 2014
Communicating about users in ICTD: leveraging HCI personas
C Putnam, B Kolko, S Wood
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Information and …, 2012
e-Government and transparency in authoritarian regimes: Comparison of national-and city-level e-government web sites in Central Asia
E Johnson, B Kolko
Digital Icons: Studies in Russian, Eurasian and Central European New Media 3 …, 2010
Hackademia: building functional rather than accredited engineers
B Kolko, A Hope, B Sattler, K MacCorkle, B Sirjani
Proceedings of the 12th Participatory Design Conference: Research Papers …, 2012
Boundary spaces
B Kolko
Information Communication & Society 6 (4), 497-522, 2003
Experiences with a transportation information system that uses only GPS and SMS
RE Anderson, W Brunette, E Johnson, C Lustig, A Poon, C Putnam, ...
Proceedings of the 4th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information and …, 2010
Modeling but NOT measuring engagement in computer games
M Chen, BE Kolko, E Cuddihy, E Medina
Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Games+ Learning+ Society …, 2011
Designing technology for resource-constrained environments: Three approaches to a multidisciplinary capstone sequence
RE Anderson, RJ Anderson, G Borriello, B Kolko
2012 frontiers in education conference proceedings, 1-6, 2012
Building a world with words: The narrative reality of virtual communities
B Kolko
Works and Days 13 (1-2), 105-26, 1995
Skills are not binary: Nuances in the relationship between ICT skills and employability
R Walton, C Putnam, E Johnson, B Kolko
Information technologies & international development 5 (2), pp. 1-18, 2009
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Articles 1–20