G Prabhakar
G Prabhakar
Chemical Engineering, Sri Venkateswara University,
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Service quality (SERVQUAL) and its effect on customer satisfaction in retailing
CNK Naik, SB Gantasala, GV Prabhakar
European journal of social sciences 16 (2), 231-243, 2010
The role of employee engagement in work-related outcomes
P Ram, GV Prabhakar
Interdisciplinary Journal of Research in Business 1 (3), 47-61, 2011
Leadership styles and perceived organizational politics as predictors of work related outcomes
P Ram, GV Prabhakar
European Journal of Social Sciences 15 (1), 40-55, 2010
Work environment, service climate, and customer satisfaction: Examining theoretical and empirical connections
P Ram, BG Swapna, GV Prabhakar
International Journal of Business and Social Science 2 (20), 2011
SERVQUAL, customer satisfaction and behavioural intentions in retailing
CNK Naik, SB Gantasala, GV Prabhakar
European Journal of Social Sciences 17 (2), 200-213, 2010
Removal of heavy metals by biosorption-an overall review
LN Rao, G Prabhakar
J Eng Res Stud 2 (4), 17-22, 2011
Spectrophotometric methods for the estimation of nitazoxanide in pharmaceutical formulations
GK Kapse, G Prabhakar, SA Raju
Indian journal of pharmaceutical sciences 68 (3), 403, 2006
Optimization, equilibrium, and kinetic studies of adsorptive removal of cobalt(II) from aqueous solutions using Cocos nucifera L.
D Hymavathi, G Prabhakar
Chemical Engineering Communications 204 (9), 1094-1104, 2017
Studies on the removal of Cobalt(II) from aqueous solutions by adsorption with Ficus benghalensis leaf powder through response surface methodology
D Hymavathi, G Prabhakar
Chemical Engineering Communications 204 (12), 1401-1411, 2017
An enquiry into the mediatory role of employee engagement: Evidence from the hotel industry in Jordan
P Ram, GV Prabhakar
Far East Journal of Psychology and Business 5 (2), 41-59, 2011
Recovery of proteins from coconut milk whey employing ultrafiltration and spray drying
J Vijayasanthi, SR Adsare, AG Lamdande, A Naik, K Raghavarao, ...
Journal of Food Science and Technology 57, 22-31, 2020
Influence of organisational culture dimensions on knowledge management processes in higher educational institutions
GV Prabhakar, PR Reddy, LA Savinkina, SB Gantasala, S Ankireddy
International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies 9 (1), 51-71, 2018
SERVQUAL and customer satisfaction: the mediating influence of communication in the privatized telecom sector
GV Prabhakar, P Ram
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences 3 …, 2013
Molecular interactions in ternary organic liquid mixtures
K Prasad, KS Kumar, G Prabhakar, P Venkateswarlu
Journal of molecular liquids 123 (2-3), 51-55, 2006
Modeling of cobalt and lead adsorption by Ficus benghalenesis L. in a fixed bed column
D Hymavathi, G Prabhakar
Chemical Engineering Communications 206 (10), 1264-1272, 2019
Decision-making styles and leadership: evidences from the UAE
GV Prabhakar, A Yaseen
International Journal of Management Development 1 (4), 287-306, 2016
Pleomorphic adenoma of the nasal septum--a case report.
SS Kumar, PS Reddy, G Prabhakar
Indian Journal of Pathology & Microbiology 47 (3), 397-398, 2004
Optimization of biosorption performance of Casuarina leaf powder for the removal of lead using central composite design
JR Srinivasa, RC Kesava, G Prabhakar
Journal of Environmental and Analytical Toxicology 3 (2), 166, 2013
Differential partitioning of coconut whey proteins and fat using aqueous two phase extraction
JV Santhi, HA Tavanandi, R Sharma, G Prabhakar, K Raghavarao
Fluid Phase Equilibria 503, 112314, 2020
Biodiesel production from vegetable oils: an optimization process
D Hymavathi, G Prabhakar, BS Babu
International Journal of Chemical & Petrochemical Technology (IJCPT) 4 (2 …, 2014
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Articles 1–20