Ronald Blab
Ronald Blab
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Cited by
Identification of four material phases in bitumen by atomic force microscopy
A Jäger, R Lackner, C Eisenmenger-Sittner, R Blab
Road Materials and Pavement Design 5 (sup1), 9-24, 2004
The bitumen microstructure: a fluorescent approach
F Handle, J Füssl, S Neudl, D Grossegger, L Eberhardsteiner, B Hofko, ...
Materials and Structures 49, 167-180, 2016
Is low-temperature creep of asphalt mastic independent of filler shape and mineralogy?—arguments from multiscale analysis
R Lackner, M Spiegl, R Blab, J Eberhardsteiner
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 17 (5), 485-491, 2005
Influence of asphaltene content on mechanical bitumen behavior: experimental investigation and micromechanical modeling
L Eberhardsteiner, J Füssl, B Hofko, F Handle, M Hospodka, R Blab, ...
Materials and Structures 48, 3099-3112, 2015
Identification of microstructural components of bitumen by means of atomic force microscopy (AFM)
A Jäger, R Lackner, C Eisenmenger‐Sittner, R Blab
PAMM: Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 4 (1), 400-401, 2004
Modeling measured 3D tire contact stresses in a viscoelastic FE pavement model
R Blab, JT Harvey
The International Journal Geomechanics 2 (3), 271-290, 2002
Tracking aging of bitumen and its saturate, aromatic, resin, and asphaltene fractions using high-field fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry
F Handle, M Harir, J Füssl, AN Koyun, D Grossegger, N Hertkorn, ...
Energy & Fuels 31 (5), 4771-4779, 2017
Towards a microstructural model of bitumen ageing behaviour
L Eberhardsteiner, J Füssl, B Hofko, F Handle, M Hospodka, R Blab, ...
International Journal of Pavement Engineering 16 (10), 939-949, 2015
Alternative approach toward the aging of asphalt binder
B Hofko, F Handle, L Eberhardsteiner, M Hospodka, R Blab, J Füssl, ...
Transportation Research Record 2505 (1), 24-31, 2015
Measurements of the lateral distribution of heavy vehicles and its effects on the design of road pavements
R Blab, J Litzka
Proceedings of the international symposium on heavy vehicle weights and …, 1995
Towards an optimised lab procedure for long-term oxidative ageing of asphalt mix specimen
D Steiner, B Hofko, M Hospodka, F Handle, H Grothe, J Füssl, ...
International Journal of Pavement Engineering 17 (6), 471-477, 2016
Introducing improved loading assumptions into analytical pavement models based on measured contact stresses of tires
B Ronald
International conference on accelerated pavement testing, Reno, 1999
Introducing a new specimen shape to assess the fatigue performance of asphalt mastic by dynamic shear rheometer testing
M Hospodka, B Hofko, R Blab
Materials and Structures 51, 1-11, 2018
Rigorous amendment of Vlasov's theory for thin elastic plates on elastic Winkler foundations, based on the Principle of Virtual Power
R Höller, M Aminbaghai, L Eberhardsteiner, J Eberhardsteiner, R Blab, ...
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 73, 449-482, 2019
Multiscale modeling as the basis for reliable predictions of the behaviour of multi-composed materials
R Lackner
Viscoelastic rutting model with improved loading assumptions
R Blab, JT Harvey
Ninth International Conference on Asphalt PavementsInternational Society for …, 2002
Design of bituminous pavements–a performance-related approach
L Eberhardsteiner, R Blab
Road Materials and Pavement Design 20 (2), 244-258, 2019
Experimental identification and mechanical interpretation of the interaction behaviour between concrete paving blocks
J Füssl, W Kluger-Eigl, R Blab
International Journal of Pavement Engineering 17 (6), 478-488, 2016
Low-temperature performance prediction of asphalt mixtures used for LLP—new approach based on fundamental test methods and numerical modeling
M Wistuba, R Lackner, R Blab, M Spiegl
International Journal of Pavement Engineering 7 (2), 121-132, 2006
Impact of distillation temperature on the solvent residue and viscoelastic properties of asphalt binders
M Hospodka, B Hofko, R Blab
Road Materials and Pavement Design 19 (6), 1275-1287, 2018
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Articles 1–20