د. محمد الحوراني  Dr. Mohammad Alhourani
د. محمد الحوراني Dr. Mohammad Alhourani
Al Ain University
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Cited by
Text structure teaching on the development of persuasive writing skills for high school students in the United Arab Emirates
SA Alwaely, T Abdallahi, MI Alhourani
Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 25 (12), 230-244, 2020
The Effect of Using Electronic Mind Map as a Medium of Instruction on Fourth Graders' Arabic Reading Comprehension at Jordan
DMEA Prof. Akram M. Alomari1
International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology 4 (3), 744, 2019
Assessing the quality of services offered to gifted students in Al Ain schools from the perspective of teachers and students.
ZK Ellala, J Abu-Attiyeh, M ALhourani
Ilkogretim Online 19 (3), 2020
Blended learning: the amount of requisite professional competencies in faculty members of Al Ain University from viewpoint of students
H Yousef Jarrah, MI Alhourani, HS Al-Srehan
Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education 14 (4), 1433-1448, 2022
Quranic Intertextuality in the Poetry of Muhammad Al-Thubaiti
MI Alhourani, TN Ayyash, NY Jaber
Dirasat: Human and Social Sciences 49 (1), 279-289, 2022
The reality of e-learning at Al Ain University in the United Arab Emirates, and its influence in achieving interaction between students and lecturers
H Jarrah, H Lahiani, MI AlHourani
Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences (PEN) 10 (3), 93-101, 2022
Purposive Understanding of the Texts on Dealing with Non-Muslims: A Critical, Analytical Study
MH Haswa, IAH Nemer, T Abdallahi, MI Alhourani
Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 12, 2023
Counter Implicature Or Mafhoum Al-Mukhalafah As Applied To Quranic Verses Through Tafssir Adwa Al Bayan By Al-Shanqiti
T Abdallahi, MI Alhourani
Journal of Positive School Psychology, 5134–5143-5134–5143, 2022
The Purpose of Ratiocination and its Impact on Text Construct from the Viewpoint of the Author of Adwa'Al-Bayan fi Idah Al-Qur'an bil Qur’ an: A Jurisprudential-Syntactic Study
T Abdallahi, MI Alhourani, M Haswa
Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 11, 2022
Manifestations of Place in Al-Raneen Short Story Collection by Amin Oudah Analytic Study
DTA Dr. Mohammad Issa Alhourani Dr. Suad Al-Waely
Rupkatha journal on interdisciplinary 12 (4), 2020
Implementations of Teaching Arabic: Role Play Strategy as a Case Study
MI Alhourani, MI Amayreh
Multicultural Education 6 (5), 2020
The effectiveness of teaching the text structure in developing persuasive writing skills for high school students in the United Arab
TAMIA Suad Abdalkareem AlWaely
UTOPIA 35 (12), 2020
The Dilemma of Renovation in Arabic Poetry Music A Study in the Criterion of Verse
MIAM Alamaireh
Journal of critical Reviews 7 (4), 2020
Emplementations of teaching Arabic: Role playStrategy as a cace study
MA Mohammad Issa Alhourani
Multicultural Educaion 6 (Issue-5-2020), 2020
Ijtihad: concept, requirements, derivatives, and issues from Imam Zakariya Al-Sunaiki´ s perspective
T Abdallahi, MI Alhourani, S Alwaely
Opción: Revista de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, 69, 2020
Pause or consonantal quiescence haa’ (haa’ al-sakt) between Qurraa’ and grammarians
MIA Tar Abdallahi
Opción 36 (26), 2020
Manifestations of Place in Al-Raneen Short Story Collection by Amin Oudah Analytic Study
DTA Dr. Mohammad Issa Alhourani Dr. Suad Al-Waely
Rupkatha journal on interdisciplinary 12 (No4/2020), 2020
النص الموازي في شعر عبد الرحيم عمر
N Jaber, M Alhourani
Dirasat: Human and Social Sciences 46 (4), 2019
ثنائية الموت والحياة في مرثية ابن الرومي لأمه–دراسة أسلوبية–
محمد عيسى الحوراني, محمد محمود المشايخ
مجلة العلوم الإنسانية و الإجتماعية 3 (5), 133-120, 2019
–The dualism of death and life in the elegy of Ibn Alromi to his mother–Stylistics study: ثنائية الموت والحياة في مرثية ابن الرومي لأمه–دراسة أسلوبية–
MMAMM Issa, A Hourani
مجلة العلوم الإنسانية و الإجتماعية 3 (5), 133-120, 2019
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Articles 1–20