Kapil Vaswani
Kapil Vaswani
Microsoft Research
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Cited by
Oblivious {Multi-Party} machine learning on trusted processors
O Ohrimenko, F Schuster, C Fournet, A Mehta, S Nowozin, K Vaswani, ...
25th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 16), 619-636, 2016
EnclaveDB: A secure database using SGX
C Priebe, K Vaswani, M Costa
2018 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP), 264-278, 2018
Holmes: Effective statistical debugging via efficient path profiling
TM Chilimbi, B Liblit, K Mehra, AV Nori, K Vaswani
2009 IEEE 31st International Conference on Software Engineering, 34-44, 2009
Graviton: Trusted execution environments on {GPUs}
S Volos, K Vaswani, R Bruno
13th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI …, 2018
Construction and use of linear regression models for processor performance analysis
PJ Joseph, K Vaswani, MJ Thazhuthaveetil
The Twelfth International Symposium on High-Performance Computer …, 2006
A predictive performance model for superscalar processors
PJ Joseph, K Vaswani, MJ Thazhuthaveetil
2006 39th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture …, 2006
Moat: Verifying confidentiality of enclave programs
R Sinha, S Rajamani, S Seshia, K Vaswani
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications …, 2015
Darwin: An approach to debugging evolving programs
D Qi, A Roychoudhury, Z Liang, K Vaswani
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM) 21 (3), 1-29, 2012
Broom: Sweeping out garbage collection from big data systems
I Gog, J Giceva, M Schwarzkopf, K Vaswani, D Vytiniotis, G Ramalingam, ...
15th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HotOS XV), 2015
{SPEICHER}: Securing {LSM-based}{Key-Value} Stores using Shielded Execution
M Bailleu, J Thalheim, P Bhatotia, C Fetzer, M Honda, K Vaswani
17th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST 19), 173-190, 2019
Safe programmable speculative parallelism
P Prabhu, G Ramalingam, K Vaswani
Proceedings of the 31st ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language …, 2010
Azure SQL database always encrypted
P Antonopoulos, A Arasu, KD Singh, K Eguro, N Gupta, R Jain, R Kaushik, ...
Proceedings of the 2020 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of …, 2020
A design and verification methodology for secure isolated regions
R Sinha, M Costa, A Lal, NP Lopes, S Rajamani, SA Seshia, K Vaswani
ACM SIGPLAN Notices 51 (6), 665-681, 2016
Mining quantified temporal rules: Formalism, algorithms, and evaluation
D Lo, G Ramalingam, VP Ranganath, K Vaswani
Science of Computer Programming 77 (6), 743-759, 2012
Isolator: dynamically ensuring isolation in comcurrent programs
S Rajamani, G Ramalingam, VP Ranganath, K Vaswani
ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News 37 (1), 181-192, 2009
Preferential path profiling: compactly numbering interesting paths
K Vaswani, AV Nori, TM Chilimbi
ACM Sigplan Notices 42 (1), 351-362, 2007
System to reduce interference in concurrent programs
S Rajamani, G Ramalingam, VP Ranganath, K Vaswani
US Patent 7,941,616, 2011
Differential static analysis: Opportunities, applications, and challenges
SK Lahiri, K Vaswani, CAR Hoare
Proceedings of the FSE/SDP workshop on Future of software engineering …, 2010
Database query processing on encrypted data
P Antonopoulos, K Vaswani, K Nibhanupudi, NBRK Rao
US Patent 10,210,266, 2019
Privacy-preserving machine learning
MSDS Costa, CAMC Fournet, A Mehta, S Nowozin, O Ohrimenko, ...
US Patent App. 15/245,141, 2017
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Articles 1–20