Hasan Cavusoglu
Hasan Cavusoglu
Professor of MIS, Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia
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Information security policy compliance: an empirical study of rationality-based beliefs and information security awareness
B Bulgurcu, H Cavusoglu, I Benbasat
Management Information Systems Quarterly 34 (3), 523-548, 2010
The effect of internet security breach announcements on market value: Capital market reactions for breached firms and internet security developers
H Cavusoglu, B Mishra, S Raghunathan
International Journal of Electronic Commerce 9 (1), 70-104, 2004
Security patch management: Share the burden or share the damage?
H Cavusoglu, H Cavusoglu, J Zhang
Management Science 54 (4), 657-670, 2008
Institutional pressures in security management: Direct and indirect influences on organizational investment in information security control resources
H Cavusoglu, H Cavusoglu, JY Son, I Benbasat
Information & Management 52 (4), 385-400, 2015
Gamification: A new paradigm for online user engagement
A Kankanhalli, M Taher, H Cavusoglu, SH Kim
Economics of IT security management: Four improvements to current security practices
H Cavusoglu, H Cavusoglu, S Raghunathan
Communications of the Association for Information Systems 14, 65-75, 2004
Can gamification motivate voluntary contributions? The case of StackOverflow Q&A community
H Cavusoglu, Z Li, KW Huang
Proceedings of the 18th ACM conference companion on computer supported …, 2015
Configuration of and interaction between information security technologies: The case of firewalls and intrusion detection systems
H Cavusoglu, S Raghunathan, H Cavusoglu
Information Systems Research 20 (2), 198-217, 2009
Early mover advantage in e-commerce platforms with low entry barriers: The role of customer relationship management capabilities
S Wang, H Cavusoglu, Z Deng
Information & Management 53 (2), 197-206, 2016
Efficiency of vulnerability disclosure mechanisms to disseminate vulnerability knowledge
H Cavusoglu, H Cavusoglu, S Raghunathan
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 33 (3), 171-185, 2007
Assessing the impact of granular privacy controls on content sharing and disclosure on Facebook
H Cavusoglu, TQ Phan, H Cavusoglu, EM Airoldi
Information Systems Research 27 (4), 848-879, 2016
Outsourcing information security: Contracting issues and security implications
A Cezar, H Cavusoglu, S Raghunathan
Management Science 60 (3), 638-657, 2014
Economics of security patch management
H Cavusoglu, H Cavusoglu, J Zhang
The fifth workshop on the economics of information security (WEIS 2006), 2006
Information technology diffusion with influentials, imitators, and opponents
H Cavusoglu, N Hu, Y Li, D Ma
Journal of Management Information Systems 27 (2), 305-334, 2010
Roles of Information Security Awareness and Perceived Fairness in Information Security Policy Compliance
B Bulgurcu, H Cavusoglu, I Benbasat
Proceedings of the Fifteenth Americas Conference on Information Systems, 1-9, 2009
An empirical investigation of the antecedents and consequences of privacy uncertainty in the context of mobile apps
S Al-Natour, H Cavusoglu, I Benbasat, U Aleem
Information Systems Research 31 (4), 1037-1063, 2020
Selecting a customization strategy under competition: mass customization, targeted mass customization, and product proliferation
H Cavusoglu, H Cavusoglu, S Raghunathan
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 54 (1), 12-28, 2007
Sociotechnical challenges and progress in using social media for health
SA Munson, H Cavusoglu, L Frisch, S Fels
Journal of medical Internet research 15 (10), e226, 2013
Quantifying the impact of badges on user engagement in online Q&A communities
Z Li, KW Huang, H Cavusoglu
Sourcing information security operations: The role of risk interdependency and competitive externality in outsourcing decisions
A Cezar, H Cavusoglu, S Raghunathan
Production and Operations Management 26 (5), 860-879, 2017
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Articles 1–20