Yiannis Andreopoulos
Yiannis Andreopoulos
Sony PlayStation
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In-band motion compensated temporal filtering
Y Andreopoulos, A Munteanu, J Barbarien, M Van der Schaar, J Cornelis, ...
Signal Processing: Image Communication 19 (7), 653-673, 2004
Graph-based object classification for neuromorphic vision sensing
Y Bi, A Chadha, A Abbas, E Bourtsoulatze, Y Andreopoulos
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF international conference on computer vision, 491-501, 2019
Optimized scalable video streaming over IEEE 802.11 a/e HCCA wireless networks under delay constraints
M van der Schaar, Y Andreopoulos, Z Hu
Mobile Computing, IEEE Transactions on 5 (6), 755-768, 2006
The JPEG 2000 suite
P Schelkens, A Skodras, T Ebrahimi
John Wiley & Sons, 2009
Graph-based spatio-temporal feature learning for neuromorphic vision sensing
Y Bi, A Chadha, A Abbas, E Bourtsoulatze, Y Andreopoulos
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 29, 9084-9098, 2020
Evaluation of design alternatives for the 2-D-discrete wavelet transform
ND Zervas, GP Anagnostopoulos, V Spiliotopoulos, Y Andreopoulos, ...
Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, IEEE Transactions on 11 (12 …, 2001
Cross-layer optimized video streaming over wireless multihop mesh networks
Y Andreopoulos, N Mastronarde, M van der Schaar
Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Journal on 24 (11), 2104-2115, 2006
Rate-distortion-complexity modeling for network and receiver aware adaptation
M van der Schaar, Y Andreopoulos
Multimedia, IEEE Transactions on 7 (3), 471-479, 2005
Implementation and comparison of the 5/3 lifting 2D discrete wavelet transform computation schedules on FPGAs
ME Angelopoulou, K Masselos, PYK Cheung, Y Andreopoulos
Journal of Signal Processing Systems 51 (1), 3-21, 2008
Emerging technologies in wireless LANs: theory, design, and deployment
B Bing
Cambridge University Press, 2008
Decentralized time-synchronized channel swapping for ad hoc wireless networks
G Smart, N Deligiannis, R Surace, V Loscri, G Fortino, Y Andreopoulos
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 65 (10), 8538-8553, 2015
Improved techniques for adversarial discriminative domain adaptation
A Chadha, Y Andreopoulos
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 29, 2622-2637, 2019
Unconstrained motion compensated temporal filtering (UMCTF) for efficient and flexible interframe wavelet video coding
DS Turaga, M van der Schaar, Y Andreopoulos, A Munteanu, ...
Signal Processing: Image Communication 20 (1), 1-19, 2005
Physics-guided machine learning approaches to predict the ideal stability properties of fusion plasmas
A Piccione, JW Berkery, SA Sabbagh, Y Andreopoulos
Nuclear Fusion 60 (4), 046033, 2020
Non-stationary resource allocation policies for delay-constrained video streaming: Application to video over Internet-of-Things-enabled networks
J Xu, Y Andrepoulos, Y Xiao, M van Der Schaar
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 32 (4), 782-794, 2014
Complete-to-overcomplete discrete wavelet transforms: theory and applications
Y Andreopoulos, A Munteanu, G Van der Auwera, JPH Cornelis, ...
Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on 53 (4), 1398-1412, 2005
Fully-scalable wavelet video coding using in-band motion compensated temporal filtering
Y Andreopoulos, M van der Schaar, A Munteanu, J Barbarien, ...
Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2003. Proceedings.(ICASSP'03 …, 2003
Complete-to-overcomplete discrete wavelet transforms for scalable video coding with MCTF
Y Andreopoulos, M Van der Schaar, A Munteanu, J Barbarien, ...
Visual Communications and Image Processing 5150, 719-731, 2003
Method and system for subband encoding and decoding of an overcomplete representation of the data structure
G Van der Auwera, I Andreopoulos, A Munteanu, P Schelkens, J Cornelis
US Patent 7,876,820, 2011
Wavelet-based fully-scalable video coding with in-band prediction
Y Andreopoulos, A Munteanu, G Van der Auwera, P Schelkens, ...
Benelux Signal Processing Symposium, 2002
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Articles 1–20