Philippe Odier
Philippe Odier
professor of physics, ENS Lyon
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Cited by
L3, OPAL, SLD, LEP Electroweak Working Group, SLD Electroweak Group and SLD Heavy Flavour Group collaborations, Precision electroweak measurements on the Z resonance
D Aleph
Phys. Rept 427, 257, 2006
Performance of the ALEPH detector at LEP
D Buskulic, D Casper, I De Bonis, D Decamp, P Ghez, C Goy, JP Lees, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 1995
Studies of quantum chromodynamics with the ALEPH detector
R Barate, D Buskulic, D Decamp, P Ghez, C Goy, JP Lees, A Lucotte, ...
Physics Reports 294 (1-3), 1-165, 1998
Generation of a Magnetic Field by Dynamo Action in a Turbulent Flow of Liquid Sodium
Physical Review Letters 98, 044502, 2007
Quark and gluon jet properties in symmetric three-jet events
D Buskulic, D Casper, I De Bonis, D Decamp, P Ghez, C Goy, JP Lees, ...
Physics Letters B 384 (1-4), 353-364, 1996
Magnetohydrodynamics measurements in the von Kármán sodium experiment
M Bourgoin, L Marié, F Pétrélis, C Gasquet, A Guigon, JB Luciani, ...
Physics of Fluids 14 (9), 3046-3058, 2002
The von Kármán sodium experiment: turbulent dynamical dynamos
R Monchaux, M Berhanu, S Aumaître, A Chiffaudel, F Daviaud, B Dubrulle, ...
Physics of Fluids 21 (3), 2009
Experimental study of parametric subharmonic instability for internal plane waves
B Bourget, T Dauxois, S Joubaud, P Odier
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 723, 1-20, 2013
Study of the subjet structure of quark and gluon jets
D Buskulic, D Casper, I De Bonis, D Decamp, P Ghez, C Goy, JP Lees, ...
Physics Letters B 346 (3-4), 389-398, 1995
Nonlinear magnetic induction by helical motion in a liquid sodium turbulent flow
F Pétrélis, M Bourgoin, L Marie, J Burguete, A Chiffaudel, F Daviaud, ...
Physical review letters 90 (17), 174501, 2003
Experimental parametric subharmonic instability in stratified fluids
S Joubaud, J Munroe, P Odier, T Dauxois
Physics of Fluids 24 (4), 2012
Fluid mixing in stratified gravity currents: the Prandtl mixing length
P Odier, J Chen, MK Rivera, RE Ecke
Physical review letters 102 (13), 134504, 2009
An iterative study of time independent induction effects in magnetohydrodynamics
M Bourgoin, P Odier, JF Pinton, Y Ricard
Physics of fluids 16 (7), 2529-2547, 2004
Finite-size effects in parametric subharmonicáinstability
B Bourget, HÚŔ Scolan, T Dauxois, M Le Bars, P Odier, S Joubaud
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 759, 739-750, 2014
Experimental observation of a strong mean flow induced by internal gravity waves
G Bordes, A Venaille, S Joubaud, P Odier, T Dauxois
Physics of Fluids 24 (8), 2012
Entrainment and mixing in a laboratory model of oceanic overflow
P Odier, J Chen, RE Ecke
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 746, 498-535, 2014
Fluctuation of magnetic induction in von Kármán swirling flows
R Volk, P Odier, JF Pinton
Physics of Fluids 18 (8), 2006
Dynamo regimes and transitions in the VKS experiment
M Berhanu, G Verhille, J Boisson, B Gallet, C Gissinger, S Fauve, ...
The European Physical Journal B 77, 459-468, 2010
Dynamo threshold detection in the von Kármán sodium experiment
S Miralles, N Bonnefoy, M Bourgoin, P Odier, JF Pinton, N Plihon, ...
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 88 (1 …, 2013
Induction in a von Kármán flow driven by ferromagnetic impellers
G Verhille, N Plihon, M Bourgoin, P Odier, JF Pinton
New Journal of Physics 12 (3), 033006, 2010
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Articles 1–20