Nicole Richoux
Nicole Richoux
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Determining spatial changes in the diet of nearshore suspension-feeders along the South African coastline: stable isotope and fatty acid signatures
EL Allan, ST Ambrose, NB Richoux, PW Froneman
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 87 (3), 463-471, 2010
Trophic ecology of dominant zooplankton and macrofauna in a temperate, oligotrophic South African estuary: a fatty acid approach
NB Richoux, PW Froneman
Marine Ecology Progress Series 357, 121-137, 2008
Critical indirect effects of climate change on sub‐A ntarctic ecosystem functioning
E Louise Allan, P William Froneman, JV Durgadoo, CD McQuaid, ...
Ecology and Evolution 3 (9), 2994-3004, 2013
Spatial and Temporal Variations in Stable Carbon (δ13C) and Nitrogen (δ15N) Isotopic Composition of Symbiotic Scleractinian Corals
S Nahon, NB Richoux, J Kolasinski, M Desmalades, C Ferrier Pages, ...
PLoS One 8 (12), e81247, 2013
Assessment of spatial variation in carbon utilization by benthic and pelagic invertebrates in a temperate South African estuary using stable isotope signatures
NB Richoux, PW Froneman
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 71 (3-4), 545-558, 2007
Evidence of spatial and temporal changes in sources of organic matter in estuarine sediments: stable isotope and fatty acid analyses
L Bergamino, T Dalu, NB Richoux
Hydrobiologia 732, 133-145, 2014
Trophodynamics of three decapod crustaceans in a temperate estuary using stable isotope and fatty acid analyses
ES Antonio, NB Richoux
Marine Ecology Progress Series 504, 193-205, 2014
Distribution of benthic diatom communities in a permanently open temperate estuary in relation to physico-chemical variables
T Dalu, NB Richoux, PW Froneman
South African Journal of Botany 107, 31-38, 2016
Plankton trophodynamics at the subtropical convergence, Southern Ocean
NB Richoux, PW Froneman
Journal of plankton research 31 (9), 1059-1073, 2009
Seasonal and developmental variation in the fatty acid composition of Mysis mixta (Mysidacea) and Acanthostepheia malmgreni (Amphipoda) from the …
NB Richoux, D Deibel, RJ Thompson, CC Parrish
Journal of Plankton Research 27 (8), 719-733, 2005
Spatial and temporal changes in estuarine food web structure: differential contributions of marsh grass detritus
L Bergamino, NB Richoux
Estuaries and Coasts 38, 367-382, 2015
Trophic ecology of grey-headed albatrosses from Marion Island, Southern Ocean: insights from stomach contents and diet tracers
NB Richoux, S Jaquemet, BT Bonnevie, Y Cherel, CD McQuaid
Marine biology 157, 1755-1766, 2010
Depth-related distribution patterns of subtidal macrobenthos in a well-established marine protected area
ER Heyns, ATF Bernard, NB Richoux, A Götz
Marine Biology 163, 1-15, 2016
Depth and habitat determine assemblage structure of South Africa’s warm-temperate reef fish
ER Heyns-Veale, ATF Bernard, NB Richoux, D Parker, TJ Langlois, ...
Marine biology 163, 1-17, 2016
Nature and source of suspended particulate matter and detritus along an austral temperate river–estuary continuum, assessed using stable isotope analysis
T Dalu, NB Richoux, PW Froneman
Hydrobiologia 767, 95-110, 2016
Phytoplankton community diversity along a river-estuary continuum
T Dalu, PW Froneman, NB Richoux
Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 69 (2), 107-116, 2014
The role of macrophytes as a refuge and food source for the estuarine isopod Exosphaeroma hylocoetes ()
TO Henninger, PW Froneman, NB Richoux, AN Hodgson
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 82 (2), 285-293, 2009
Dietary success of a ‘new’key fish in an overfished ecosystem: evidence from fatty acid and stable isotope signatures
MG Van der Bank, AC Utne-Palm, K Pittman, AK Sweetman, NB Richoux, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 428, 219-233, 2011
Population biology of hyperbenthic crustaceans in a cold water environment (Conception Bay, Newfoundland). I. Mysis mixta (Mysidacea)
NB Richoux, D Deibel, RJ Thompson
Marine Biology 144, 881-894, 2004
Colonisation and community structure of benthic diatoms on artificial substrates following a major flood event: A case of the Kowie River (Eastern Cape, South Africa)
T Dalu, PW Froneman, LD Chari, NB Richoux
Water SA 40 (3), 471-480, 2014
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Articles 1–20