Herodotos Herodotou
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Cited by
Starfish: A self-tuning system for big data analytics.
H Herodotou, H Lim, G Luo, N Borisov, L Dong, FB Cetin, S Babu
Cidr 11 (2011), 261-272, 2011
Profiling, what-if analysis, and cost-based optimization of mapreduce programs
H Herodotou, S Babu
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 4 (11), 1111-1122, 2011
A survey on deep learning methods for power load and renewable energy forecasting in smart microgrids
S Aslam, H Herodotou, SM Mohsin, N Javaid, N Ashraf, S Aslam
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 144, 110992, 2021
No one (cluster) size fits all: automatic cluster sizing for data-intensive analytics
H Herodotou, F Dong, S Babu
Proceedings of the 2nd ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing, 1-14, 2011
Internet of ships: A survey on architectures, emerging applications, and challenges
S Aslam, MP Michaelides, H Herodotou
IEEE Internet of Things journal 7 (10), 9714-9727, 2020
Hadoop performance models
H Herodotou
arXiv preprint arXiv:1106.0940, 2011
{PerfIso}: Performance isolation for commercial {Latency-Sensitive} services
C Iorgulescu, R Azimi, Y Kwon, S Elnikety, M Syamala, V Narasayya, ...
2018 USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC 18), 519-532, 2018
Stubby: A transformation-based optimizer for mapreduce workflows
H Lim, H Herodotou, S Babu
arXiv preprint arXiv:1208.0082, 2012
A survey on automatic parameter tuning for big data processing systems
H Herodotou, Y Chen, J Lu
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 53 (2), 1-37, 2020
Automatic generation control strategies in conventional and modern power systems: A comprehensive overview
K Ullah, A Basit, Z Ullah, S Aslam, H Herodotou
Energies 14 (9), 2376, 2021
Cost-based optimization of configuration parameters and cluster sizing for hadoop
S Babu, H Herodotou
US Patent 9,367,601, 2016
Massively Parallel Databases and MapReduce Systems
S Babu, H Herodotou
Foundations and TrendsŪ in Databases 5, 1-104, 2013
Query optimization techniques for partitioned tables
H Herodotou, N Borisov, S Babu
Proceedings of the 2011 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of …, 2011
OctopusFS: A distributed file system with tiered storage management
E Kakoulli, H Herodotou
Proceedings of the 2017 acm international conference on management of data …, 2017
RIOT: I/O-efficient numerical computing without SQL
Y Zhang, H Herodotou, J Yang
arXiv preprint arXiv:0909.1766, 2009
Speedup your analytics: Automatic parameter tuning for databases and big data systems
J Lu, Y Chen, H Herodotou, S Babu
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 12 (12), 1970-1973, 2019
Mapreduce programming and cost-based optimization? crossing this chasm with starfish
H Herodotou, F Dong, S Babu
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 4 (12), 1446-1449, 2011
Supporting digital content marketing and messaging through topic modelling and decision trees
A Gregoriades, M Pampaka, H Herodotou, E Christodoulou
Expert systems with applications 184, 115546, 2021
Automated Experiment-Driven Management of (Database) Systems.
S Babu, N Borisov, S Duan, H Herodotou, V Thummala
HotOS, 2009
Modelling freshwater eutrophication with limited limnological data using artificial neural networks
E Hadjisolomou, K Stefanidis, H Herodotou, M Michaelides, ...
Water 13 (11), 1590, 2021
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Articles 1–20