Stefano Bromuri
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Cited by
Half human, half machine–augmenting service employees with AI for interpersonal emotion regulation
AP Henkel, S Bromuri, D Iren, V Urovi
Journal of Service Management 31 (2), 247-265, 2020
General overview of ImageCLEF at the CLEF 2015 labs
M Villegas, H Müller, A Gilbert, L Piras, J Wang, K Mikolajczyk, ...
Experimental IR Meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction: 6th …, 2015
The open D1NAMO dataset: A multi-modal dataset for research on non-invasive type 1 diabetes management
F Dubosson, JE Ranvier, S Bromuri, JP Calbimonte, J Ruiz, ...
Informatics in Medicine Unlocked 13, 92-100, 2018
Performance comparison of multi-label learning algorithms on clinical data for chronic diseases
D Zufferey, T Hofer, J Hennebert, M Schumacher, R Ingold, S Bromuri
Computers in biology and medicine 65, 34-43, 2015
Situating cognitive agents in GOLEM
S Bromuri, K Stathis
International Workshop on Engineering Environment-Mediated Multi-Agent …, 2007
COMMODITY12: A smart e-health environment for diabetes management
V Zamudio, J Dooley, J Favela, HW Guesgen, Ö Kafalı, S Bromuri, ...
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments 5 (5), 479-502, 2013
Overview of the ImageCLEF 2015 medical classification task
A Garcia Seco De Herrera, H Müller, S Bromuri
Working Notes of CLEF 2015–Cross Language Evaluation Forum, CEUR 1391, 2015
Multi-label classification of chronically ill patients with bag of words and supervised dimensionality reduction algorithms
S Bromuri, D Zufferey, J Hennebert, M Schumacher
Journal of biomedical informatics 51, 165-175, 2014
Distributed agent environments in the ambient event calculus
S Bromuri, K Stathis
Proceedings of the Third ACM International Conference on Distributed Event …, 2009
Using AI to predict service agent stress from emotion patterns in service interactions
S Bromuri, AP Henkel, D Iren, V Urovi
Journal of Service Management 32 (4), 581-611, 2021
An expert personal health system to monitor patients affected by gestational diabetes mellitus: a feasibility study
S Bromuri, S Puricel, R Schumann, J Krampf, J Ruiz, M Schumacher
Journal of ambient intelligence and smart environments 8 (2), 219-237, 2016
A multi-agent system for service discovery, selection and negotiation.
S Bromuri, V Urovi, M Morge, K Stathis, F Toni
AAMAS (2), 1395-1396, 2009
Indexing the event calculus: towards practical human-readable personal health systems
N Falcionelli, P Sernani, A Brugués, DN Mekuria, D Calvaresi, ...
Artificial intelligence in medicine 96, 154-166, 2019
A python framework for exhaustive machine learning algorithms and features evaluations
F Dubosson, S Bromuri, M Schumacher
2016 IEEE 30th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking …, 2016
Type 2 diabetes patients benefit from the COMODITY12 mHealth system: results of a randomised trial
P Kardas, K Lewandowski, S Bromuri
Journal of medical systems 40, 1-8, 2016
The ArguGRID platform: an overview
F Toni, M Grammatikou, S Kafetzoglou, L Lymberopoulos, ...
Grid Economics and Business Models: 5th International Workshop, GECON 2008 …, 2008
Multi-dimensional causal discovery
U Schaechtle, K Stathis, S Bromuri
twenty-third international joint conference on artificial intelligence, 2013
Overview of the medical tasks in ImageCLEF 2016
AGS De Herrera, S Bromuri, R Schaer, H Müller
CLEF working notes. Evora, Portugal, 2016
COMPASS: An interoperable personal health system to monitor and compress signals in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
T Hofer, M Schumacher, S Bromuri
2015 9th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for …, 2015
Monitoring gestational diabetes mellitus with cognitive agents and agent environments
S Bromuri, MI Schumacher, K Stathis, J Ruiz
2011 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conferences on Web Intelligence and …, 2011
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Articles 1–20