Sarat Chandra Dass
Cited by
Cited by
Likelihood ratio-based biometric score fusion
K Nandakumar, Y Chen, SC Dass, A Jain
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 30 (2), 342-347, 2007
Soft biometric traits for personal recognition systems
AK Jain, SC Dass, K Nandakumar
International conference on biometric authentication, 731-738, 2004
Fingerprint quality indices for predicting authentication performance
Y Chen, SC Dass, AK Jain
International conference on audio-and video-based biometric person …, 2005
Can soft biometric traits assist user recognition?
AK Jain, SC Dass, K Nandakumar
Biometric technology for human identification 5404, 561-572, 2004
Mental stress assessment using simultaneous measurement of EEG and fNIRS
F Al-Shargie, M Kiguchi, N Badruddin, SC Dass, AFM Hani, TB Tang
Biomedical optics express 7 (10), 3882-3898, 2016
Localized iris image quality using 2D wavelets
Y Chen, SC Dass, AK Jain
Advances in Biometrics, 373-381, 2005
A principled approach to score level fusion in multimodal biometric systems
SC Dass, K Nandakumar, AK Jain
Audio-and Video-Based Biometric Person Authentication: 5th International …, 2005
A deformable model for fingerprint matching
A Ross, S Dass, A Jain
Pattern Recognition 38 (1), 95-103, 2005
Quality-based score level fusion in multibiometric systems
K Nandakumar, Y Chen, AK Jain, SC Dass
18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'06) 4, 473-476, 2006
A total variation-based algorithm for pixel-level image fusion
M Kumar, S Dass
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 18 (9), 2137-2143, 2009
Fingerprint warping using ridge curve correspondences
A Ross, SC Dass, AK Jain
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 28 (1), 19-30, 2005
Statistical models for assessing the individuality of fingerprints
Y Zhu, SC Dass, AK Jain
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 2 (3), 391-401, 2007
Markov random field models for directional field and singularity extraction in fingerprint images
SC Dass
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 13 (10), 1358-1367, 2004
Validating a biometric authentication system: Sample size requirements
SC Dass, Y Zhu, AK Jain
IEEE Transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 28 (12), 1902 …, 2006
Fingerprint Classification Using Orientation Field Flow Curves.
SC Dass, AK Jain
ICVGIP, 650-655, 2004
Fingerprint deformation for spoof detection
Y Chen, AK Jain, S Dass
Biometric Symposium Crystal City VA, 2005
Tracking the early depleting transmission dynamics of COVID-19 with a time-varying SIR model
KB Law, KM Peariasamy, BS Gill, S Singh, BM Sundram, K Rajendran, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 21721, 2020
Forecasting daily confirmed COVID-19 cases in Malaysia using ARIMA models
S Singh, BM Sundram, K Rajendran, KB Law, T Aris, H Ibrahim, SC Dass, ...
Journal of infection in developing countries 14 (9), 971-976, 2020
Fusion of structural and textural features for melanoma recognition
F Adjed, SJ Safdar Gardezi, F Ababsa, I Faye, S Chandra Dass
IET Computer Vision 12 (2), 185-195, 2018
Efficient Bayesian spatial prediction with mobile sensor networks using Gaussian Markov random fields
Y Xu, J Choi, SC Dass, T Maiti
American Control Conference (ACC), 2171-2176, 2012
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Articles 1–20