Luis Castedo
Luis Castedo
Professor, Department of Computer Enginering & CITIC Research Center, University of A Coruña, Spain
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Cited by
Towards the Internet of smart trains: A review on industrial IoT-connected railways
P Fraga-Lamas, TM Fernández-Caramés, L Castedo
Sensors 17 (6), 1457, 2017
A review on internet of things for defense and public safety
P Fraga-Lamas, TM Fernández-Caramés, M Suárez-Albela, L Castedo, ...
Sensors 16 (10), 1644, 2016
Design, Implementation and Practical Evaluation of an IoT Home Automation System for Fog Computing Applications Based on MQTT and ZigBee-WiFi Sensor Nodes
I Froiz-Míguez, T Fernández-Caramés, P Fraga-Lamas, L Castedo
Sensors 18 (8), 2660, 2018
Channel estimation and hybrid precoding for frequency selective multiuser mmWave MIMO systems
JP González-Coma, J Rodríguez-Fernández, N González-Prelcic, ...
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 12 (2), 353-367, 2018
A practical evaluation of a high-security energy-efficient gateway for IoT fog computing applications
M Suárez-Albela, TM Fernández-Caramés, P Fraga-Lamas, L Castedo
Sensors 17 (9), 1978, 2017
A linearly constrained constant modulus approach to blind adaptive multiuser interference suppression
J Miguez, L Castedo
IEEE Communications Letters 2 (8), 217-219, 1998
A blind signal separation method for multiuser communications
L Castedo, CJ Escudero, A Dapena
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 45 (5), 1343-1348, 1997
An iterative inversion approach to blind source separation
S Cruces-Alvarez, A Cichocki, L Castedo-Ribas
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 11 (6), 1423-1437, 2000
Reverse Engineering and Security Evaluation of Commercial Tags for RFID-Based IoT Applications
TM Fernández-Caramés, P Fraga-Lamas, M Suárez-Albela, L Castedo
Sensors 17 (1), 28, 2017
An adaptive beamforming technique based on cyclostationary signal properties
L Castedo, AR Figueiras-Vidal
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 43 (7), 1637-1650, 1995
VineSens: An eco-smart decision-support viticulture system
JP Pérez-Expósito, TM Fernández-Caramés, P Fraga-Lamas, L Castedo
Sensors 17 (3), 465, 2017
An electricity price-aware open-source smart socket for the internet of energy
Ó Blanco-Novoa, TM Fernández-Caramés, P Fraga-Lamas, L Castedo
Sensors 17 (3), 643, 2017
A practical performance comparison of ECC and RSA for resource-constrained IoT devices
M Suárez-Albela, TM Fernández-Caramés, P Fraga-Lamas, L Castedo
2018 Global Internet of Things Summit (GIoTS), 1-6, 2018
A Cost-Effective IoT System for Monitoring Indoor Radon Gas Concentration
O Blanco-Novoa, TM Fernández-Caramés, P Fraga-Lamas, L Castedo
Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) 18 (7), 2198, 2018
Robust blind source separation algorithms using cumulants
S Cruces, L Castedo, A Cichocki
Neurocomputing 49 (1-4), 87-118, 2002
Design and experimental validation of a LoRaWAN fog computing based architecture for IoT enabled smart campus applications
P Fraga-Lamas, M Celaya-Echarri, P Lopez-Iturri, L Castedo, ...
Sensors 19 (15), 3287, 2019
Performance analysis of time-modulated arrays for the angle diversity reception of digital linear modulated signals
R Maneiro-Catoira, JC Brégains, JA García-Naya, L Castedo, P Rocca, ...
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 11 (2), 247-258, 2016
Experimental validation of interference alignment techniques using a multiuser MIMO testbed
Ó González, D Ramirez, I Santamaria, JA García-Naya, L Castedo
2011 International ITG Workshop on Smart Antennas, 1-8, 2011
Time modulated arrays: From their origin to their utilization in wireless communication systems
R Maneiro-Catoira, J Brégains, JA García-Naya, L Castedo
Sensors 17 (3), 590, 2017
Enhanced time-modulated arrays for harmonic beamforming
R Maneiro-Catoira, JC Bregains, JA Garcia-Naya, L Castedo
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 11 (2), 259-270, 2016
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Articles 1–20