Durgesh Tripathi
Durgesh Tripathi
Senior Professor, IUCAA
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SDO/AIA response to coronal hole, quiet Sun, active region, and flare plasma
B O'dwyer, G Del Zanna, HE Mason, MA Weber, D Tripathi
Astronomy & Astrophysics 521, A21, 2010
Active region loops: Hinode/extreme-ultraviolet imaging spectrometer observations
D Tripathi, HE Mason, BN Dwivedi, G Del Zanna, PR Young
The Astrophysical Journal 694 (2), 1256, 2009
Ellerman bombs and jets associated with resistive flux emergence
H Isobe, D Tripathi, V Archontis
The Astrophysical Journal 657 (1), L53, 2007
The basic characteristics of EUV post-eruptive arcades and their role as tracers of coronal mass ejection source regions
D Tripathi, V Bothmer, H Cremades
Astronomy & Astrophysics 422 (1), 337-349, 2004
Large amplitude oscillations in prominences
D Tripathi, H Isobe, R Jain
Space science reviews 149, 283-298, 2009
Three-dimensional morphology of a coronal prominence cavity
SE Gibson, TA Kucera, D Rastawicki, J Dove, G De Toma, J Hao, S Hill, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 724 (2), 1133, 2010
Properties of structured coronal mass ejections in solar cycle 23
H Cremades, V Bothmer, D Tripathi
Advances in Space Research 38 (3), 461-465, 2006
X-ray precursors to flares and filament eruptions
C Chifor, D Tripathi, HE Mason, BR Dennis
Astronomy & Astrophysics 472 (3), 967-979, 2007
Coronal Observations of CMEs: Report of Working Group A
R Schwenn, JC Raymond, D Alexander, A Ciaravella, N Gopalswamy, ...
Space Science Reviews 123, 127-176, 2006
Large amplitude oscillation of a polar crown filament in the pre-eruption phase
H Isobe, D Tripathi
Astronomy & Astrophysics 449 (2), L17-L20, 2006
The Pre-CME Sun: Report of Working Group E
N Gopalswamy, Z Mikić, D Maia, D Alexander, H Cremades, P Kaufmann, ...
Space Science Reviews 123, 303-339, 2006
On the propagation of brightening after filament/prominence eruptions, as seen by SoHO-EIT
D Tripathi, H Isobe, HE Mason
Astronomy & Astrophysics 453 (3), 1111-1116, 2006
The early phases of a solar prominence eruption and associated flare: a multi-wavelength analysis
C Chifor, HE Mason, D Tripathi, H Isobe, A Asai
Astronomy & Astrophysics 458 (3), 965-973, 2006
The filament-Moreton wave interaction of 2006 December 6
HR Gilbert, AG Daou, D Young, D Tripathi, D Alexander
The Astrophysical Journal 685 (1), 629, 2008
Emission measure distribution and heating of two active region cores
D Tripathi, JA Klimchuk, HE Mason
The Astrophysical Journal 740 (2), 111, 2011
Multi-Wavelength Observations of CMEs and Associated Phenomena: Report of Working Group F
M Pick, TG Forbes, G Mann, HV Cane, J Chen, A Ciaravella, H Cremades, ...
Space Science Reviews 123, 341-382, 2006
An active region jet observed with Hinode
C Chifor, PR Young, H Isobe, HE Mason, D Tripathi, H Hara, T Yokoyama
Astronomy & Astrophysics 481 (1), L57-L60, 2008
Multiwavelength study of 20 jets that emanate from the periphery of active regions
SM Mulay, D Tripathi, G Del Zanna, H Mason
Astronomy & Astrophysics 589, A79, 2016
Large-amplitude oscillation of an erupting filament as seen in EUV, Hα, and microwave observations
H Isobe, D Tripathi, A Asai, R Jain
Solar Physics 246, 89-99, 2007
Sunspot waves and triggering of homologous active region jets
R Chandra, GR Gupta, S Mulay, D Tripathi
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 446 (4), 3741-3748, 2015
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Articles 1–20