saeid shakiba
saeid shakiba
Ph.D., Researcher Smart Systems and Robotics Department, Center of Advanced Systems and
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Modeling and compensation of asymmetric rate-dependent hysteresis of a miniature pneumatic artificial muscle-based catheter
S Shakiba, M Ourak, E Vander Poorten, M Ayati, A Yousefi-Koma
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 154, 107532, 2021
Experimental characterization and control of a magnetic shape memory alloy actuator using the modified generalized rate-dependent Prandtl–Ishlinskii hysteresis model
S Shakiba, MR Zakerzadeh, M Ayati
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of …, 2018
Tracking control of an SMA-driven actuator with rate-dependent behavior using an inverse model of hysteresis
S Shakiba, A Yousefi-Koma, M Ayati
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 42, 1-15, 2020
Modeling and characterization of the shape memory alloy–based morphing wing behavior using proposed rate-dependent Prandtl-Ishlinskii models
S Shakiba, A Yousefi-Koma, M Jokar, MR Zakerzadeh, H Basaeri
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of …, 2020
Modeling and control of a shape memory alloy actuator using fuzzy sliding mode controller
S Shakiba, MR Zakerzadeh
Scientific Research Monthly Journal of Modares Mechanical Engineering 16 (7 …, 2016
Development of hybrid prandtl–ishlinskii and constitutive models for hysteresis of shape-memory-alloy-driven actuators
S Shakiba, M Ayati, A Yousefi-Koma
Robotica 39 (8), 1390-1404, 2021
Development of a frequency-dependent constitutive model for hysteresis of shape memory alloys
S Shakiba, A Yousefi-Koma, M Ayati
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of …, 2020
Studying piezoelastic and piezomagnetoelastic configurations for different excitation frequencies in MEMS energy harvesters
S Shakiba, MM Zand
Journal of Computational Applied Mechanics 47, 241-246, 2016
Modeling and experimental verification of a magnetic shape memory alloy actuator behavior using modified generalized rate-dependent Prandtl-Ishlinskii model
S Shakiba, MR Zakerzadeh, M Ayati, O Jeddinia
Modares Mechanical Engineering 16 (11), 389-396, 2017
Behavioral Modeling and Experimental Verification of a Smart Servomotor Used in a Thermal Control Louver of a Satellite Using Dynamic Neural Network
S Shakiba, M Abedi, A Vedadi
AUT Journal of Mechanical Engineering 5 (1), 3-12, 2021
Hysteresis Modeling of Shape Memory Alloy Actuators using Generalized Rate-Dependent Prandtl-Ishlinskii Model
S Shakiba, A Yousefi-Koma, M Jokar, MR Zakerzadeh, H Basaeri
ISAV2016- 6th International Conference on Acoustics and Vibration, 2016
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Articles 1–11