Gordon McCord
Cited by
Cited by
Ending Africa's Poverty Trap
JD Sachs, JW McArthur, G Schmidt-Traub, M Kruk, C Bahadur, M Faye, ...
Brookings papers on economic activity 2004 (1), 117-230, 2004
Fertilizing growth: Agricultural inputs and their effects in economic development
JW McArthur, GC McCord
Journal of development economics 127, 133-152, 2017
Deployment of community health workers across rural sub-Saharan Africa: financial considerations and operational assumptions
GC McCord, A Liu, P Singh
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 91, 244-253b, 2013
Scaling up Malaria Control in Africa: an Economic and Epidemiological Assessment
A Teklehaimanot, GC McCord, JD Sachs
American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 77 (6 (Supplement)), 138-144, 2007
Africa's lagging demographic transition: Evidence from exogenous impacts of malaria ecology and agricultural technology
D Conley, GC McCord, JD Sachs
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2007
Health impacts of the green revolution: Evidence from 600,000 births across the developing world
J von Der Goltz, A Dar, R Fishman, ND Mueller, P Barnwal, GC McCord
Journal of health economics 74, 102373, 2020
Understanding African poverty: beyond the Washington consensus to the millennium development goals approach
G McCord, JD Sachs, WT Woo
Africa in the World Economy 23, 2005
Development, structure, and transformation: Some evidence on comparative economic growth
GC McCord, JD Sachs
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2013
Malaria ecology, child mortality & fertility
GC McCord, D Conley, JD Sachs
Economics & Human Biology 24, 1-17, 2017
Geographic determinants of China's urbanization
P Christensen, GC McCord
Regional Science and Urban Economics 59, 90-102, 2016
Can Social Protection Reduce Environmental Damages?
T Garg, GC McCord, A Montfort
Available at SSRN 3465356, 2020
The impact of an insecticide treated bednet campaign on all-cause child mortality: A geospatial impact evaluation from the Democratic Republic of Congo
CB Dolan, A BenYishay, KA Grépin, JC Tanner, AD Kimmel, DC Wheeler, ...
PloS one 14 (2), e0212890, 2019
What can we learn from nighttime lights for small geographies? measurement errors and heterogeneous elasticities
R Bluhm, GC McCord
Remote Sensing 14 (5), 1190, 2022
Malaria ecology and climate change
GC McCord
The European Physical Journal Special Topics 225, 459-470, 2016
ENSO impacts child undernutrition in the global tropics
JK Anttila-Hughes, AS Jina, GC McCord
Nature communications 12 (1), 5785, 2021
Nightlights and subnational economic activity: Estimating departmental GDP in paraguay
GC McCord, M Rodriguez-Heredia
Remote Sensing 14 (5), 1150, 2022
How can diverse national food and land-use priorities be reconciled with global sustainability targets? Lessons from the FABLE initiative
A Mosnier, G Schmidt-Traub, M Obersteiner, S Jones, V Javalera-Rincon, ...
Sustainability Science 18 (1), 335-345, 2023
SDG costing & financing for low-income developing countries
J Sachs
Sustainable Development Solutions Network., 2019
Long-term pathways analysis to assess the feasibility of sustainable land-use and food systems in Mexico
C González-Abraham, C Flores-Santana, S Rodríguez-Ramírez, ...
Sustainability Science 18 (1), 469-484, 2023
Geography of regional development
JD Sachs, GC McCord
The new Palgrave dictionary of economics. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008
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Articles 1–20