Héctor Carvacho
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Cited by
Social Dominance Theory: explorations in the psychology of oppression
J Sidanius, S Cotterill, J Sheehy-Skeffington, N Kteily, H Carvacho
Cambridge Handbook of the Psychology of Prejudice, 149-187, 2017
On the relation between social class and prejudice: The roles of education, income, and ideological attitudes
H Carvacho, A Zick, A Haye, R González, J Manzi, C Kocik, M Bertl
European Journal of Social Psychology 43 (4), 272-285, 2013
Confianza en instituciones políticas en Chile: un modelo de los componentes centrales de juicios de confianza
C Segovia, A Haye, R González, J Manzi, H Carvacho
Revista de ciencia política (Santiago) 28 (2), 39-60, 2008
Addressing climate change with behavioral science: A global intervention tournament in 63 countries
M Vlasceanu, KC Doell, JB Bak-Coleman, B Todorova, ...
Science Advances 10 (6), eadj5778, 2024
On the justification of intergroup violence: The roles of procedural justice, police legitimacy and group identity in attitudes towards violence among indigenous people
MM Gerber, R González, H Carvacho, G Jiménez-Moya, J Jackson
Psychology of Violence 8 (3), 379–389, 2018
Psychology and Indigenous People
R González, H Carvacho, G Jiménez-Moya
Annual Review of Psychology 73, 431-459, 2022
Relación entre orientación política y condición socioeconómica en la cultura política chilena: una aproximación desde la psicología política
A Haye, H Carvacho, R González, J Manzi, C Segovia
Polis, Revista de la Universidad Bolivariana 8 (23), 351-384, 2009
The role of family in the intergenerational transmission of collective action
R González, B Alvarez, J Manzi, M Varela, C Frigolett, AG Livingstone, ...
Social psychological and personality science 12 (6), 856-867, 2021
Consenso y disenso en la memoria histórica y en las actitudes hacia la reparación en tres generaciones de Chilenos
H Carvacho, J Manzi, A Haye, R González, M Cornejo
Psykhe 22 (2), 33-47, 2013
The intergenerational transmission of participation in collective action: The role of conversation and political practices in the family
M Cornejo, C Rocha, D Castro, M Varela, J Manzi, R González, ...
British Journal of Social Psychology 60 (1), 29-49, 2021
An Exploratory Study on Mind Wandering, Metacognition, and Verbal Creativity in Chilean High School Students
DD Preiss, M Ibaceta, D Ortiz, H Carvacho, V Grau
Frontiers in Psychology 10, 1118, 2019
Development and validation of a scale of support for violence in the context of intergroup conflict (SVIC): The case of violence perpetrated by Mapuche people and the police in …
MM Gerber, H Carvacho, R González
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 51, 61-68, 2016
Teorías Infantiles del Golpe de Estado en Chile 25 Años Después
A Haye, J Manzi, R González, H Carvacho
Psykhe (Santiago) 22 (2), 67-81, 2013
Social identities and conflict in Chile: The role of historical and political processes
R González, MM Gerber, H Carvacho
Understanding peace and conflict through social identity theory …, 2016
Ideological Configurations and Prediction of Attitudes toward Immigrants in Chile and Germany
H Carvacho
International Journal of Conflict and Violence 4 (2), 220-233, 2010
Group differences in the legitimization of inequality: Questioning the role of social dominance orientation
S Pehrson, H Carvacho, CG Sibley
British Journal of Social Psychology 56 (1), 28-46, 2017
De Destinatarios a Pares: El Desafío de Trabajar con Comunidades Empoderadas
M Krause, E Velásquez, A Jaramillo, A Torres, C Turró, MT Ramírez, ...
Psicología comunitaria internacional: Agendas compartidas en la diversidad …, 2008
Azul y rosado: la (aún presente) trampa de los estereotipos de género
G Jiménez-Moya, H Carvacho, B Álvarez
Midevidencias 23, 1-9, 2020
Resultados Primera Ola. Estudio Longitudinal Social de Chile (ELSOC). Módulo 1: Cohesión social y migración
R González, M Bargsted, D Miranda, H Carvacho, L Tropp, C Van Laar, ...
Centro de Estudios de Conflicto y Cohesión Social, Santiago, 2017
Historia de la Psicología Comunitaria en Chile: Trayectoria desde la Clandestinidad a la Política Pública
M Krause, A Jaramillo, V Monreal, H Carvacho, A Torres
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Articles 1–20